Raid: Shadow Legends – The Best Review in 2025

Raid: Shadow Legends is an MMORPG strategy game where you will collect champions and develop them. Here you will find thousands of different skills. Starting the game, you’ll have to pass a short tutorial and get a collection of 4 starting champions. And the first piece of advice to a newbie is to choose Kael because he’s the most versatile and will be helpful everywhere. And now, let’s go over everything in order.

Champions in Raid Shadow Legends

There are over 400 champions in Raid, which are divided into 13 factions (and 3 more will appear in upcoming updates) – these are:

  • High Elves,
  • Dark Elves,
  • Dwarves,
  • Undead Hordes,
  • Barbarians,
  • Renegades,
  • Orcs,
  • Others.

Lyssandra raid shadow legends

Factions have no effect on anything. However, only champions of one faction can fight in factional battles (more on that later).

Also, each champion in Raid: Shadow Legends belongs to one of the 4 elements: magic, spirit, power, or darkness. There are “circular mechanics” based on the rock-paper-scissors principle: magic champions are strong against spirit champions, spirit champions against force champions, and force champions against magic champions. The exception is the element of darkness, whose champions have no weaknesses.

According to their role in the team, champions are divided into 4 types.

  1. Attack. Deals maximum damage.
  2. Defense. It takes maximum damage and actively resists it.
  3. Support heals the team, applies bonuses, and removes penalties.
  4. Health. Characters focused on survival through regeneration. So have a lot of health and often serve as support.

The champions are divided into 5 classes by rarity: ordinary, unusual, rare, epic, and legendary. The chances of obtaining legendary champions are pretty low, so their name is entirely justified. Rare and epic champions, however, are very plentiful – don’t even worry about it.

Here it is important to note that the rarity of the champion does not reflect his usefulness in battle. Any experienced Raid player will confirm that rare and even unusual champions are irreplaceable, and epic and legendary champions, at the same time, include outright trash champions.

Each champion can have anywhere from 1 to 5 skills, among them:

  1. Combat skills,
  2. Bonuses / penalties,
  3. Healing and Shields,
  4. Resurrection,
  5. Various passive skills,
  6. Auras.

Rhazin Scarhide Raid Shadow legends

And the rarer the champion, the more skills he has, although not always. Any skill except passive skills and auras can be developed using special Volumes (books) – rare, epic, and legendary. Copies of champions can also be used instead of books; for example, the skills of ordinary (gray) and unusual (green) champions can be upgraded only with copies.

The maximum level of any champion is level 60. However, to get it, you must first improve the stardom of the character as much as possible. Each champion in Raid: Shadow Legends has 1 to 5 stars: ordinary – 1, unusual – 2, rare – 3, epic – 4, legendary – 5. The maximum level is limited by the number of stars of the character: 1 star is the 10th, 2 is the 20th, 3 is the 30th, and so on.

To increase the number of stars, you need to “feed” the character other champions or a special item – “food”. For example, to boost a rare champion to Rank 4 (4 stars), you have to pump him up to max level 30 and then feed him 3 more champions with 3 stars. The champion will become significantly stronger, the maximum level will rise to 40th and the current level will reset to 1st.

Champions can also be developed. This is done with the elemental potions of a particular champion and arcana potions. Both of these and the other “bottles” are obtained in the dungeons, which you will learn about later. Developing a champion increases his base characteristics even more, and one of the stars is colored lilac. A champion can be set as many times as the number of stars he has.

Each champion in Raid: Shadow Legends has 8 base stats.

  1. Health. The life of the character.
  2. Attack. The character’s attack score.
  3. Defense. Decreases the amount of damage taken.
  4. Speed. The higher the rate, the more often the character walks.
  5. Crit. Chance. Chance of a critical hit.
  6. Crit. Damage. Critical Hit Power.
  7. Resistance. Resistance to adverse effects is applied to the champion.
  8. Marksmanship. Increases the chance of putting a negative effect on an opponent successfully.

It is important to note that not every skill’s damage depends on the attack. For example, the skills of defensive champions (tanks) are mostly amplified strictly by the defense and for health champions – by the maximum amount of HP. It is always written in the skill description, so developing the attack for such characters makes no sense.

Also, the champions of Raid: Shadow Legends have talents, which are divided into 3 branches: attack, defense, and support. Only 2 branches can be selected at a time, and the 3rd one will remain untouched. Talents seriously enhance the character in combat: they increase accuracy, critical hit chance, health reserve, and many other characteristics.

However, in order to fully explore the branch of talents, the champion must be level 60.

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You can summon champions from shards of varying rarity, obtained in tournaments, events, dungeons, and campaign chapters. You get many valuable shards for free as a gift for active play.

Equipment and its improvement

Equipment in Raid: Shadow Legends is divided into sets, and there are 34 pieces (plus 2 will appear in an upcoming update). A set adds passive bonuses and can consist of 2 or 4 items. Here are some examples of Raid sets.

  • Life Stealer (4 items) is probably the most helpful game set, curing 30% of the damage dealt.
  • Speed (2 items). Increases the champion’s speed by 12%.
  • Heavenly Attack (2 items). Increases attack speed by 15% and impose a shield on the wearer with 15% max health at the start of the round.
  • Ruthlessness (2 items). Increases attack by 15% and ignore target’s 5% armor.
  • Fierceness (4 items). Each turn gives an 18% chance for an extra turn.
  • Freeze (4 items). It gives a 20% chance to freeze an enemy for 1 turn when he attacks the wearer.

These are just a tiny fraction of the sets you’ll encounter in Raid Shadow Legends. You can use them to turn champions into invincible killing machines.

Now for the most critical part – every item in Raid: Shadow Legends has a base parameter and 4 additional parameters. The base parameter for weapons, helmets, and shields is constant attack, health, and armor. The base parameters of the other items may be different. For example, the more stars an item has (1-6), the stronger it is.

Each item can be improved up to 16 times for silver. Additional item parameters are unlocked at levels 4, 8, 12, and 16. However, their set is also always random. The most valuable thing is things with percentage parameters (e.g., 8% attack).

Both equipment and attributes come in different qualities. For example, an item’s quality (normal, unusual, rare, epic, legendary) determines how many additional parameters it will have initially. For example, a regular gray item has no different parameters, but a legendary orange item has all 4 parameters available without an upgrade. If you start improving an item with additional parameters open, they will be enhanced in random order.

Buildings and their functions

Raid shadow legends Buildings and their functions

Your fortress in Raid: Shadow Legends has several buildings, each of which has important functions.

  • Great Hall. Passive boosts for arena medals from level 1 to 10.
  • Portal. Summoning champions from the shards, merging champions to get rarer ones.
  • Ruby Mine. Mining Rubies. It can be bought and upgraded with Rubies and easily purchased without donations.
  • Marketplace. Every hour on the market appears, different champions (gray and green) things of any rarity and shards of the call. Silver is used for purchases.
  • Training Camp. Passively raises the level of your champions. Additional slots can be opened with Rubies and upgraded with Rubies.
  • Tavern. You can level up your champions in the tavern by feeding them other champions or special elemental potions. You can also use the tavern to give champions a star rating and improve their skills.
  • Campfire in the center. The purpose is still unknown, but it will surely add valuable features in future updates.

Tasks, gifts, and rewards

The most enjoyable part of the game is the constant rewards. There are so many that for the first month and a half (!) you won’t need anything at all. Instead, you’ll have a premium account, tons of energy, constant bonuses, and unstoppable progress.

Let’s list the gifts that await you in Raid: Shadow Legends.

  • Progress Rewards. You’ll receive valuable gifts every 5 levels as you upgrade your account.
  • Beginner Rewards. Just log into the game, and get 2 epic sets (6 items each) of equipment for free, as well as 2 epic champions.
  • Entry Rewards. For the first 90 days, you’ll receive visit rewards. These include 3 cool epic champions, dozens of summoning shards and Toms of varying rarity, tons of energy, premium certificates, and more.
  • Combat Pass. A chain of rewards was added in a recent update. Complete daily quests and get epic and legendary champions, shards, energy, books, and more. The season lasts 8 weeks and includes 100 rewards. The Gold Pass also has a paid version with even more goodies and weekly missions.
  • Missions. A one-time chain of 286 missions, the final reward of which is the Arbiter, a legendary champion indispensable in the Arena. For completing each mission you will receive valuable rewards.
  • Quests. The usual daily, weekly and monthly missions; many valuable rewards: shards, energy, silver, etc.
    Challenges. There are 4 types in total: champions, artifacts, dungeons, and Arena. Contains 3-10 single challenge chains with useful rewards: books, shards, silver, energy, and other goodness.
  • Online Rewards. Just play Raid and get extra silver, shards, energy, and arena tokens.

There are other types of rewards, but you’ll have to earn them with your hard work.

  • Rewards for tournaments. And not only for winning but also for participating. Earn tournament points and get silver, champions, shards, books, rubies, and more.
  • Event Rewards. Events take place almost every day. Train champions, improve artifacts, and perform other in-game activities to earn valuable prizes from a long chain.
  • Campaign rewards. Earn stars in campaign chapters to progress through the reward chain, unique to each difficulty level.
  • Faction Wars Rewards. As in the campaign, earn stars in battles and earn valuable prizes. Factional battles are high-level content, so it’s best not to focus on them at the beginning of the game.
  • Clan Boss Chest. Beat the clan boss every day to get chests. The stronger the boss, the better the chest and the more valuable its contents.
  • Friends Rewards. Invite 3 friends through a referral program, and you’ll receive valuable prizes when they level up.

How hard is it to tear yourself away from this game when every 10 minutes gives you a new “yummy”?

Key Features

  • Over 10 million players
  • Hundreds of unique champions and thousands of skills
  • Unique builds with incredible variability
  • Campaign, dungeons, Arena, boss clan, factional battles
  • 34 different equipment sets with passive bonuses
  • Quality graphics and excellent music
  • An incredible amount of rewards and gifts for everyone
  • Novelty effects throughout the gameplay

I am an expert on getting in-game bonuses in any game, especially in WoT, WoWS, War Thunder, Warface, Stalcraft, Crossout, Enlisted, Raid Shadow Legends, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail and other popular games. I usually write guides on how to get bonuses for new and old players, how to properly create a new account with maximum bonuses at the beginning of the game, and what missions are worth completing to get useful in-game items and resources.

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