Best Legendary Champions in RAID: Legends of Shadows – Top 30 Ranking

Legendary champions stand out in the crowd of epic RAID champions that are on any account after a year of not even very active play. They are too few, but the chance of being summoned through the Portal is negligible, and therefore plans to assemble a top team are postponed indefinitely. Even donating a decent amount of money does not guarantee that the desired characters will fall out of the sacred shards.

This review is dedicated to the best legendary raid Champions in February 2025 – their strengths and weaknesses, skills, for which modes are suitable. The rating reflects the subjective opinion of the authors. If you disagree with this arrangement of Champions – specify it in the comments.

Champions are ranked mainly by usefulness for the average account and versatility of use.

Top 30 Ranked – Inithwe Bloodtwin

Inithwe Bloodtwin Raid Shadow legends
The Champion with the highest “white” Attack of all RAID Champions. Excellent on all maps except the Fire Knight’s Castle and Clan Battle. Increases squad attack by 33% in all modes with Aura. “Vitality Censure” hits one target, reducing maximum HP by 30% of damage dealt. “No Mercy” attacks the target three times, increasing damage depending on the damage dealt. “Tormenting Whispers” attacks a group of enemies. Can cast Leech. “Final Doom” is a passive skill that restores a third of Inithwe’s health each time he eliminates an enemy.

Teammates cannot resurrect enemies killed by this Champion.

Rank 29 – Rhazin Scarhide

Rhazin Scarhide Raid Shadow legends
It’s a mighty lizard with a lot of health for absorbing damage. One of the best champions for the Fire Knight’s Castle, Labyrinth of the Minotaur, Citadel of Magic, and Faction Wars. Weak in the Citadel of the Spirit. Very good in the other locations. This Champion is guaranteed to be available to any player once per account with the fusion in the Portal. The offer works all the time – it all rests on the availability of rare and epic champions, of which Rhazin Scarhide is created.

It raises a squad’s resistance by 90 units in the Arena with an aura. “Bone Sword” attacks one target three times. Each time there is a chance to cancel a random bonus. “Shear” attacks the victim, inflicting Weakness and Decrease Defense. “Bog Down” damages a group of enemies, reducing the Turn Meters by 100%.

28th place – Helior

Helior Raid shadow legends
You can say it’s a Miscreated Monster 2.0. Very effective in the Spider’s Den, Dragon’s Lair, Minotaur’s Labyrinth, and Citadel of Darkness. B+ is good at the Fire Knight’s Castle. Above-average on other maps.

“Golden Halberd charges your opponent, increasing Helior’s defense and health regeneration. “Solar Blessing” attacks a group of enemies, casting a Shield of 20% damage on the squad. “Harsh Light” transfers all debuffs from allies to the victim, then attacks it with the “Sunshine Halberd” skill. “Intercessor“, a passive skill, absorbs a third of the damage on an ally with two or more debuffs. Helior’s Aura raises the resistance of supporters in all locations by 60.

27th Rank – Teumesia

Teumesia Raid Shadow Legends
One of the best characters in the Spider’s Den and Faction Wars. Significant in the rest of the map. Fiery Battleaxe attacks the target with Decrease Defense. If the target already has a Health Burn, this debuff is guaranteed. Cunning and Deceit attacks a group of foes with a Health Burn. Enemies may also receive a Stun or Health Debuff. “Burning Regret” hits a single target. Damage is increased by 40% for each Health Burning hanging over a comrade or foe. Reduces the target’s Turn Meter. “Inner Heat“, a passive, can replace a Companion’s Freeze with a Health Burn.

26th Rank – Warlord

Warlord Raid Shadow Legends
Suitable for all modes of play, especially useful in the Platinum arena, Aura boosts unit resistance by 80 points in all locations. “Bludgeon” hits a single target and can extend all active debuffs by one turn. “Protection of Gods” gives allies Shield, blocks debuffs, and heals each ally for a quarter of their maximum health. “Orcish Rituals” attacks all opponents. Can put all skills on cooldown and nullify Turn Meters.

25th Place – Gurgoh

Gurgoh the Augur Raid Shadow Legends
The Champion is interesting because he can remove two random bonuses from enemies, freeze them, and get an extra turn. Thus, the rollback of his control skill is reduced to 3 turns, making him excellent support in all modes.

Particularly interesting is Gurgoh the Augur in Arenas, where you often have to remove block debuffs and other buffs from your opponents.

Equally valuable for any location where you need control, for example, in the Tower of Doom on the Waves.

24th Rank – Visix the Unbowed

Visix the Unbowed Raid Shadow Legends
It’s a great support and one of the most helpful raid Champions in terms of control. Visix has two mass strikes, in which she applies a provocation and speed debuff to enemies and a 50% allied shield to allies. She steals 30% of her opponent’s Turn Meters with her base skill, taking 2 hits.

Visix the Unbowed is best suited as a wave controller in any location where it is needed. For example, in the Doom Tower and the Faction Wars, her usefulness is hard to overestimate. Good in the Arena with a defensive group. Valid for the beginner absolutely everywhere you need to pass something “impassable”. True, don’t expect her to speed up in time.

23rd Rank – Martyr

Martyr raid shadow legends

Martyr is one of the best tanks as Visix. Champion works perfectly in the Minotaur’s Labyrinth, Citadel of Power, and Faction Wars. High efficiency in other battles. Aura raises the detachment’s defense by 33% on all maps. “Rush” hits the victim, imposing Defense debuff. “Bastion of Faith” casts Counterattack and Defense Bonus on the squad. “Suppression” deals with area damage, applying Decrease Attack and Provocation on the target.

Maximally useful on Clan Boss in groups via Counterattack and in defensive moments in the Arena. It will be helpful with Fire Knight, but it will take a long time to get through. The expense of the attack debuff and defense buffs significantly raises the team’s survivability.

22nd Place – Drexthar Bloodtwin

Drexthar Bloodtwin raid shadow legends
Drexthar Bloodtwin has monster damage with an AOE comparable to top legendary damagers despite being a defense Champion. But, of course, he’s nowhere near as good as Trunda Giltmallet, Eatos, and Ruel. But 12500 pure damage with Provocation, Decrease Attack, and 3 turn rolls are no joke.

Drexthar Bloodtwin is most useful in Fatal Tower due to his passive health, control, and damage burn. Significant in the Arena with the defensive team. Suitable for Fire Knight and Clan boss trips. And you can get it for free by buying particles for group arena bullion 100 days in a row.

21st Rank – Hurndig

Hurndig raid shadow legends
Hurndig is a fusion champion who is considered one of the best damagers in the game. He is interesting because he has 2 massive skills and consequential damage on solo targets. His abilities include Defense, Weakness and Marksmanship Debuffs, Health Burn, and Enemy Turn Zeroing. If he takes a hit or kills an ally, he recovers his Turn Meters; if he kills an enemy with A1, he gets an extra turn.

It will go absolutely everywhere and will be helpful up to Super Leyte Game. The best locations are Dragon, Arena, Fatal Tower, Minotaur solo, Fire Knight, and even Clan Boss. One of the most valuable damagers in the game. But, like all DDs, it is rarely a key Champion in any team.

#20 Rank – Bad-el-Kazar
Bad-el-Kazar raid shadow legends

One of the most desired Champions in the game. He poisons enemies, deals a lot of damage to enemies while under the influence of poisons, removes debuffs from allies, and has a potent knockback ability thanks to his regeneration and healing ability with A1.

The fundamental purpose is to pump “fodder” on the Dragon solo. He handles this task with ease and goes excellent on Clan Boss and Ice Golem, one of the best poisonous creatures in the game.

19th Rank – Trunda Giltmallet

Trunda Giltmallet raid shadow legends
Top attack Champion with insane damage. Great everywhere except for the Fire Knight’s Castle and Clan Boss. Aura boosts Magic Champion’s Attack by 36% in all battles. Golden Mallet strikes and stuns the enemy twice after the second hit. “Cloak of Ages” strikes one target, then hits all others with 60% power of the first strike. “Forge Rhythm” attacks all enemies and can stun them. If such a debuff is already in effect, the victim receives a Health Burn. Characters without a stun get an extra hit. “Swift Justice“, a passive, increases the Champion’s resistance for each Stun on enemies. Increases speed for each Health Burn.

Swing’s fodder in Hell’s Campaign is meth for Platinum Arena and shows excellent results on Dragon. One problem – long rolls of massive attacks.

18th place – Ruel the Huntmaster

Ruel the Huntmaster raid shadow legends
He’s the strongest AOE damager in the game, capable of taking out Trunda Giltmallet, Thea, Robar, and even Eatos with his critical damage Guarantee. The secret to his power is ignoring 25% armor and boosting his damage with his passive. His opponents must have Spoils on them for maximum efficiency of his skills. Because of this condition, Ruel could never become the new platinum meth.

Nevertheless, he remains one of the strongest AOEs in PVE. In particular, he comes in handy on the 25th Dragon and the Doom Tower, helpful in the arena in speed team.

17th Place – Lyssandra

Lyssandra raid shadow legends
She’s one of the best speed boosters in the game. Suitable for all maps. She raises group speed by 24% in all modes with an aura. “Transference” attacks the victim, shifting all debuffs from Lyssandra. “Exhaustion” attacks a single enemy, nullifying its Turn Meters. “Energize” gives Lyssandra’s allies a Speed Bonus, recovers their Turn meters, and reduces foes’ Turn meters.

Fox is helpful in both PvE activities and PVP arenas, especially good on Spider, Fire Knight, arena speed groups, and Fatal Tower.

16th Rank – Dracomorph

Dracomorph Raid Shadow Legends
He is considered one of the strongest damagers on the Clan Boss and can inflict Weakness and Defense decrease on enemies with a roll of 3 turns. And can also cast a lot of poisons.

Equally valuable for Dungeons, Great for the Ice Golem and the Dragon, You can use it in high-speed groups with Seer. Outside of clan battles, his role in the team is to split armor and poison the boss.

Top 15 Ranking – Tormin the Cold

Tormin the Cold raid shadow legends
It’s a Platinum Champion, an excellent controller, and just a good debuff champion. He actively freezes opponents if they recover their Turn Meters, making him a perfect choice against speed groups in Arenas. He also knows how to remove bonuses, impose block bonuses, provoke enemies, reduce allies’ cooldowns, and even ignore enemies’ defenses if they are simultaneously affected by freezing and scorching. If Tormin dies, he will be revived in a frozen state for one turn.

One of the strongest arena Champions, also suitable as a wave control in certain sets, but the usual PvE activities are almost useless.

Place 14 – Krisk the Ageless

Krisk the Ageless raid shadow legends
It’s another arena beast, a powerful Champion for defensive groups. At the beginning of each round, he puts a shield on his allies at 50% of his max health. And when he gets a hit, he applies Decrease Attack and Defense on the attacking enemy. At the same time, Krisk can shield his team with allies’ shields and defense bonuses, provoke enemies, heal his team with regenerations, and speed up his team with speed buffs.

Krisk is pure evil. He will be useful in absolutely all locations. If it fell to you at the beginning or in the middle of the game, you can only be congratulated. That’s the jackpot.

13th Rank – Underpriest Brogni

Underpriest Brogni Raid Shadow Legends
Brogni is the only Champion who can be used as an infinity shield on Clan Boss. His trick is to increase his shields to infinity. He reflects some damage from his shield to opponents and converts it into a cure for the attacked ally.

Brogni’s arsenal also includes a Debuff Block, Attack Buff, removal of enemies’ bonuses, and health burn. Top Champion for Clan Boss, Faction Wars, and Fatal Tower. Unlikely to speed up classic dungeons, but he’s excellent as support. He is often used in defensive roles in Arenas.

12th Place – Ma’Shalled

Ma'Shalled raid shadow legends
Ma’Shalled is our everything. He is considered one of the best (or the best) damagers in all Dungeons. He boosts team speed, buffs critical damage, and boasts a 34% aura in dungeon attacks. Intimidates opponents with True Fear, practically preventing them from walking. Hero casts parasites on everyone, turning his basic skill into a mass skill.

Ma’Shalled will go to Dragon, Golem, Fire Knight, Clan Boss, Fatal Tower, and any Arenas. It is considered one of the most desirable Champions in the game, along with Bad-El-Kazar.

11th Place – Scyl of the Drakes

Scyl of the Drakes raid shadow legends
Suitable for all modes, especially good in Faction Wars, Dragon, and Fire Knight. You can get the Champion when you enter Raid Shadow Legends for 180 days. She’s excellent support who can save almost any battle outcome.

Drake’s Swiftness” attacks a single enemy, can apply Decrease Speed, and reduce his Turn Meters. “Wingbeat Flurry” damages all enemies twice and can stun them each time. “Phoenix Rite” raises a fallen group member with half health, giving him the Shield of Allies. “Boundless Life“, a passive, restores 10% health to everyone at the beginning of the Champion’s turn, even if she is under a debuff that prevents her from walking. A random member of the group gets a Speed Bonus.

Top 10 Ranking – Lanakis the Chosen

Lanakis the Chosen raid shadow legends
One of the strongest team players in the Raid, Lanakis attacks not only the enemy with 3 random allies but also extends team bonuses by 1 turn and recovers the Turn Meters by 30%. She also knows how to buff an attack and critical chance, having a 50% chance of an extra turn on the same skill.

IMBA on Clan Boss, Fire Knight, and Dragon is not very friendly with Ice Golem but can also be used there in certain lineups and every location, be it the Doom Tower, the Faction Wars, or the Citadels.

Top 9 Rank – Valkyrie

Valkyrie raid shadow legends
Valkyrie is a top Champion with a massive counterattack buff and huge shields that grow from the defense. One of the most desirable Champions in the game. Ideal for Clan Boss battles. Suitable for newcomers to Fire Knight. She can be very useful in the Arena, as she can passively cut off opponents’ movement meters and boost her own up to 10% for every bonus she gets. It will come in handy wherever you have to pass the impassable because it multiplies the team’s survivability.

Top 8 Rank – Arbiter

Arbiter Raid Shadow Legends
Arbiter is the Champion that all players are guaranteed to complete a chain of quests. Her primary value is a 30% speed aura in the Arena and a high base speed of 110, making Arbiter one of the best Champions for speed teams.

In addition to pouring, Arbiter can also resurrect the entire team, impose a 50% Attack Bonus on allies, remove random bonuses from opponents, and impose weakness with A1. Useful in almost all locations, but at high levels, she is often inferior to the effectiveness of teams with Scyl of the Drakes as it suffers from low survivability – dressed Arbiter always in 3 sets of speed.

Top 7 Rank – Hegemon

Hegemon Raid Shadow Legends
An extremely useful arena Champion. Interesting that he goes first in every round regardless of speed. If the enemy team also has a Hegemon, speed starts to matter and determines who goes first.

Hegemon casts a 50% Decrease Attack on the enemy team and has a 50% chance to spell an additional active skills Block for 2 turns with mass skills.

Considered to be the meteoric hero of the Platinum Arena, however, he also shows good results in PvE locations. In particular, in the Faction Wars and Fatal Tower floors, his usefulness is hard to overestimate.

Top 6 Rank – Ramantu Drakesblood

Ramantu Drakesblood raid shadow legends
Another Champion you can get for free in the quest chain after the Arbiter is Ramantu immediately breaks into the platinum meter as soon as he appears to players. With his A3 mass, he removes bonuses from opponents, then attacks them and applies an Active / Passive Skill Block for 2 turns.

He attacks the target 4 times with the second skill and imposes many debuffs. The A1 skill prolongs cooldowns for the enemy and reduces allies. His passive is flooded by 30%, gaining control effects.

This Champion is interesting first and foremost because of his control effects and toughness, his main purpose is arenas.

Top 5 Ranked – Siphi the Lost Bride

Siphi the Lost Bride raid shadow legends
Probably the top 1 desirable Champion in the game. Absolutely everyone wants Legendary warrior Sifi for an account. She’s the arsenal of many buffs, Resurrection of an ally with a full Turn Meter, Debuff Block per team, A1 sleep that can’t be repelled, 114 base speed, and an aura for 80 resistance in all battles.

Siphi the Lost Bride is, first and foremost, an arena hero. And if you flip through the Platinum rankings, you’ll notice that this Champion is present in more than half of the groups. In PvE activities, she’s also extremely useful. Her presence alone in the team raises the chances of passing anything at least twice as much.

Most fully revealed with Rotos the Lost Groom in the team.

Top 4 Rank – Duchess Lilitu

Duchess Lilitu raid shadow legends
Top 2 among the coveted ones after Siphi the Lost Bride. Although, for some, it may be the top 1 support in the game. Duchess Lilitu is also a platinum Champion. With her passive, she reduces the damage a team receives from area attacks by 25%. On top of that, she can buff allies at 50% Attack, cloak them with Shroud and Dense Shroud (which don’t give target selection and reduce incoming damage), resurrect the whole team, and heal them with regenerations as well. That said, Lilitu’s Aura is 19% speed in all fights.

Obviously, Lilitu is the quintessence of the most useful skills of tanks and soppers, making her one of the most useful Champion in the game.

Top 3 Rank – Prince Kymar

Prince Kymar raid shadow legends
It’s hard to imagine a situation where this Champion wouldn’t come in handy. Like the previous characters, he is the method of the Platinum Arena. Interesting, first of all, for its mass removal of bonuses and subsequent putting opponents to sleep. This allows you to level up the effects of all sorts of Krisk shields, Immunity sets, and clan costume jewelry, after which the enemy’s defensive role loses the lion’s share of its advantages.

Equally interesting is Kymar’s third skill, which resets the cooldowns of all the team’s skills except himself and floods allies with 20% of the Turn Meters. So let’s not forget the 30% speed aura on Arenas and the mass poison strike on the base skill.

A beginner can hardly appreciate the power of this Champion to the fullest. But closer to the late game, he becomes precious in almost all locations. Speeding through spider waves with Husk is easy. Speeding waves with Seer – yes, please. If you’re lucky enough to get this Champion, you’re fortunate. He’ll make your life a lot easier in the late game.

Top 2 Rank – Lydia the Deathsiren

Lydia the Deathsiren raid shadow legends
Another free Champion that all players get for completing a full Faction Wars playthrough. And we have to say that she’s worth the effort.

Lydia is not only able to cast Protection Debuff and Weakness on enemies, but with the same skill, she simultaneously buffs the team with Amplification and Speed Bonus. Aura increases the resistance in the Arena by as much as 100 units, and the passive blocks attempt to revive enemies.

Lydia’s skill set makes her most useful in all game locations. She goes in both speed teams with Seer, Clan Boss, and Fatal Tower. A good half of the attacking and defensive teams don’t go without her in the platinum arena. Lydia the Deathsiren is definitely one of the best Champions of the Raid.

Top 1 Rank – Ninja

Ninja raid shadow legends
Unexpectedly for the #1 spot in the top, right? But we assure you, this Champion fully deserves his leading position. Ninja’s usefulness in RAID: Shadow Legends is legendary in February 2025.

First, he’s the top 1 energizer for the Clan Boss, which no other hero in the game can beat with the right build. Secondly, this is the strongest damager in all dungeons (except Spider’s Den). Third, it’s a guaranteed mass control with Freeze every 4 turns.

Ninja’s trick is that he inflicts attack and critical damage with his passive every time he attacks a single target with all three active skills, and he also has a unique health scorcher explosion mechanic. That makes him indispensable in PvE situations. He is used in regular and speed groups with Seer, and on the clan boss.

Unfortunately, he did not become the new platinum legend. Nevertheless, it is hard to imagine a Champion who could speed up the account promotion in the middle of the game and even more so at its beginning, more than Ninja. Plus, he was given away for free to all players between mid-summer and mid-fall 2021.


In concluding our review, we know that Raid Shadow Legends still has a lot of strong legendary Champions. But if we were to list them all, we would have to make at least a top 50.

If your favorite Champion, for whatever reason, is not on this list, you can tell us about him in the comments. It will be interesting for everyone to read.


I am an expert on getting in-game bonuses in any game, especially in WoT, WoWS, War Thunder, Warface, Stalcraft, Crossout, Enlisted, Raid Shadow Legends, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail and other popular games. I usually write guides on how to get bonuses for new and old players, how to properly create a new account with maximum bonuses at the beginning of the game, and what missions are worth completing to get useful in-game items and resources.

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