The Best Mods for World of Warships in 2024 | How to Install Mods

Best World of Warships Mods How to Install Mods

Interface multiplayer projects WoWs in the form proposed by the developers do not suit all players, and some enthusiasts develop their own software packages to improve it.

If the mod does not affect the game mechanics, does not change the characteristics of ships, and affects only the visual components, it is checked by the World of Warships development team, and if there are no contradictions with the program code, it is allowed to use.

We also advise you to familiarize yourself with a helpful article: How to Dodge Torpedoes in World of Warships

What are the best free mods for WoWs that may be of interest to professional combat ship commanders, how to install them and what each enhancement has to offer, let’s explore further.

Don't forget to redeem World of Warships codes to get bonuses in the game. They come in two types: invite codes for new players and bonus codes for veterans. If you have any difficulties, use the instructions about registration with bonuses in World of Warships.
But if you’re in the mood for something different, we also have World of Tanks codes.

How to Install Mods in World of Warships

Installing enhancements for WoWs can be done in two ways:

  • manually;
  • using a patch.

Manual Installation of Mods

Any installation of add-ons for World of Warships outside the scope of the package, which is tested and approved by the game developer, is done by the user at his own risk and should be taken into account:

  • if the installed mod violates the rules of the project, the player will receive a warning from the administration, and the add-on will have to be removed;
  • in case of repeated similar violations, the player will be warned again, and his account will be blocked for seven days;
  • the third installation of a mod that violates the WoWs policy will result in permanent account blocking.

The algorithm for installing mods manually is as follows:

  1. Find the add-on online and download it.
  2. Go to the res_mods folder located in the World of Warships file directory.
  3. Create a subdirectory with the name corresponding to the current version (for example,
  4. Transfer the downloaded mod to the created folder.

After that the mod is considered to be installed, it remains only to check the functionality of the add-on.

Using the Patch Client

ModStation WOWs

All mods tested by the development team for compatibility and compliance with the WoWs project policy are collected in a particular patch client, which can be downloaded from the official website.

Using the patch is the only legal way to modify the interface, and also guarantees compatibility and absence of malicious program code.

10 Best World of Warships Mods in 2024

Next, look at the ten best WoWs mods popular among users and can make gameplay easier.

ModStation WOWs Guide

The official patch, which contains in its composition all the tests and approvals by the developer mods called ModStation, has, at the time of version and can be downloaded from the official website.

After downloading, it will be necessary to install the software.

After installing the software and launching the application, you will be able to select one or more mods from the list.

Aslian’s ModPack WoWs

The most extensive add-on is the package that Aslian has developed, which includes over 300 different modifications, including:

  • sight images;
  • interface customizations;
  • various visual effects, etc.

Historical Flags
Best Mods WOWs Guide

Mod with historical flags replaces this graphic component and background, introducing the game to diversity.

Camouflage Set for World of Warships
Best Mods WOWs

If the existing coloring of the hulls of ships bored, want to make a variety and change the appearance of all combat ships, then installing a mod with camouflage will allow you to choose one of the many options, and when it gets bored – to replace.


Having before your eyes information about the survivability of allied and enemy ships, you can analyze the situation on the battlefield and predict the outcome of the battle. By installing the appropriate mod COMMAND PANELS WITH HP, you can have such data in a visual graphical form.


To quickly assess the situation on the battlefield, it is not necessary to detail each participant of the battle; it is enough to have two bars of total survivability in front of your eyes, for which there is a unique mod TEAM HP PLUS.


Information about the direction of movement of the enemy ship allows you to predict its future position and shoot preemptively. To simplify the process, a particular MOVEMENT INDICATOR mod has been developed, which adds a color marker to the target sight with the following designations:

  • green – moving forward;
  • yellow – the object is stationary;
  • red – reverse.

Score Timer
Score Timer WoWs

During the competition mode, information about the current status of points and scoring units is valuable and can be accessed by installing the Score Timer mod.

Smoke Timer
Smoke Timer WoWs

Earlier, the indicator of the action of smoke screens in World of Warships was absent, and enthusiasts developed a corresponding mod, which is still relevant because the indication variant introduced by the developers is inconvenient in the opinion of users.

Nomogram Modern Dynamic Crosshair
Nomogram Modern Dynamic Crosshair WoWs

A unique modification is the Nomogram Modern Dynamic Crosshair, which allows you to calculate the reproach by the risks that vary depending on the distance to the target.


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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