Signal Flags in World of Warships: How to Get, Equip and Use

Signal Flag in WoWs How to Get, Equip and Used

Given the long distances between ships at sea, flag signals were a means of remote communication before radio communications became commonplace.

It was by using different combinations of flags that ships exchanged important information with each other without the need to approach each other.

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How to get signal flags in World of Warships, equip and use them, let’s see below.

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Flag Signals in World of Warships

Signal Flag in WoWs

A player must reach level five to use flag signals on a ship.

The total number of flag sets, usually consisting of two or three signals, can be up to eight, significantly affecting the ship’s fundamental performance.

Depending on the configuration, the efficiency of flag signals can be different, and the sets irrelevant for this assembly are marked with a special sign.

How to Get Signal Flags

There are several ways to obtain flag signals:

  1. As a reward for passing combat missions.
  2. Among other contents of various types of containers.
  3. By purchasing them in the Admiralty building for various currencies:
  • game credits;
  • coal;
  • research points;
  • unity tokens.

How to Equip Signals in WoWs

Flags in World of Warships

Flag signals are installed in the Port, where you must select the ship to be equipped and click on it to choose the desired flags.

The validity of the installed signals is only one battle. Therefore, the combination of characteristics and number of sets should be chosen carefully to maximize the advantages or compensate for the disadvantages.

Tips for Using Signal Flags

Use the flag sets based on the type of ship, specifically:

  • For a battleship or heavy cruiser using a ram as a melee weapon, the “Hotel Yankee” set can be flown, which increases the damage from its ram by 50% and reduces the amount of damage from an enemy ram by 20%;
  • on ships with a “Repair Team” or aircraft carriers, you can use the “India Delta” set, which increases the number of ability points by 20% for ships in the first case and by 5% for squadrons in the second;
  • any ship can use the “India Yankee” flag signal, which speeds up firefighting by 20%;
  • for ships with weak citadel defenses, the “Juliet Charlie” set of flags will be especially relevant, eliminating the risk of an ammunition cellar explosion on any ship.

The choice of flag signals is often limited to those available, so the basic principles of use are as follows:

  • use on a suitable vessel;
  • do not use it if the effect is absent or negative.

I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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