Research Bureau: How to Get Research Points and What to Spend Them On

All about Research Bureau in World of Warships

Upgrading weapons in World of Warships gives access to new warships from different countries, analogous to a storyline that the player progresses through while unlocking.

Studying new technologies in WoWs has received an unusual continuation, allowing you to get unique research points unavailable for purchase in the store or when exchanged for real money.

Perhaps you will also be interested in knowing how to become a supertester in the World of Warships.

What is the research office, how to get research points and on what to spend unique currency consider further.

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How to Get Access to the Research Bureau in World of WarshipsResearch Bureau WoWs Guide

The Research Bureau is a system in WoWs that rewards users for re-learning technology branches on the technology tree.

To get access to bonus ships and property, you must complete the study of five level X ships, after which you can reset the technology branch on the technology tree – a button will appear at the bottom of the screen.

You will then need to win a battle or earn 300 units of pure experience by using a ship with levels V to X as a combat ship.

Performing the technology branch reset is only available during one of the research seasons, which are held regularly and last for three months each.

How to Get Research Points

There are several ways to gain research points:

  • for dropping a branch of the technology tree;
  • for the first victory on a ship that was among the dropped technologies;
  • for completing special combat missions.

Resetting a Tech TreeResearch Bureau WoWs

To reset a branch on the technology tree, it must have a level X ship on it:

  1. The reset will occur down to a level I unit.
  2. If there are multiple branches on the tech tree, a choice of one of the parallel lines will be offered.
  3. The reset will be accompanied by:
  • sale of ships and modules installed on them for 50% of the cost (in credits);
  • free removal and relocation of upgrades to the player’s property;
  • sending captains to the reserve with preservation of their specialization;
  • transfer of all accumulated experience to the first ship in the technological branch.

Research points can only be gained on the first reset of the technology branch for a given account in the following amount:

  • up to 10200 for standard ships (destroyer, cruiser, battleship);
  • up to 8000 for aircraft carriers.

If there is unexplored technology in the branch, it is advisable to study it before resetting.

Points for Winning BattlesResearch Bureau WoWs New Guide

After resetting a branch on the technology tree, each of the ships on it from level V to X can earn research points by winning a battle.

The amount of points earned depends on the type and level of the ship:

Ship Type Ship Level
Destroyer, cruiser, battleship 200 500 1500 6000
Aircraft carrier 500 1500 6000

What to Change Your Research Points to

To exchange research points, go to the Research Bureau section of the Admiralty Building, where you can purchase:

  • level IX – X ships;
  • flag signals;
  • unique upgrades.

Research Bureau Seasons

The Bureau of Research in World of Warships functions constantly, but its activities are divided into four seasons, lasting three months each period:

  • February through May;
  • May through August;
  • November through February;
  • August through November.

The start and end dates of the season may vary between the 10th and 20th day of the first and last month, respectively.

Doubled Bonus at the Beginning of The Season

At the start of each new season, the first technology branch dropped will receive a doubled bonus to the research points received, maintained until the first victory on each ship.

Achievements for Dropping TechnologyResearch Bureau WoWs Unique Rewards Guide

For those who like to collect achievements and commemorative marks, WoWs have the option of obtaining them for completing technology tree branch resets:

Number of resets 10 50 100 150
Achievement Title “Junior Shipbuilder” “Senior Shipbuilder” “Shipbuilding Inspector” “Chief Shipbuilding Inspector”

I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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