Where is the Citadel in World of Warships | How to Get Citadel Hits

How To Hit The Citadel in World of Warships

Every hit in World of Warships matters because, depending on its accuracy, it can do significant damage or be a waste of ammunition.

The ship’s Citadel is the most attractive target for armor-piercing main caliber guns, which hides all the vital compartments under its thick armor.

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Let’s find out where the citadel is located in World of Warships and how to get into it.

Where the Citadel is Located in World of WarshipsCitadel in World of Warships

The location of the Citadel differs from ship to ship, but it is always in the center of the ship when viewed horizontally and near the waterline.

The size and configuration of the Citadel can vary:

  • sometimes, it has an elongated profile and occupies up to half the length of the vessel;
  • on several vessels, it protrudes firmly upwards;
  • it is often recessed in the hull to be partially below the waterline.

Among the compartments protected by the citadel are the boiler room and engine room, so its indirect visual indication is the chimneys, and in order not to calculate the middle of the hull, you can simply shoot below them.

How to Get Citadel Hits

How to Get Citadel Hits in World of Warships

To hit the Citadel, aim in the middle of the ship’s side and as close as possible to its line of contact with the water’s surface.

Shots that hit higher up will also hit the target in most cases, but the thickness of the armor there may be much thicker, causing ricochets.

In general, the Citadel is always the most armored among the other parts of the ship, and to penetrate it will require a large caliber, which is found only in line ships and some cruisers.

In the case of battleships with long-range main caliber salvos, firing on a hinged trajectory, rather than to the side, is usually more effective, due to the fall of heavy shells, which penetrate thick armor plates, from a great height.


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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