Tips, Tactics and Common Mistakes in World of Warships in 2025

Tips, Tactics in World of Warships

One ship, WASD for control, mouse for overview—what’s so hard? Many beginners in WoW think so. However, after playing just a few battles, an intelligent captain will immediately realize that this simplicity is deceptive.

Also, We advise you to read a helpful article: 10 Best Maps in War Thunder

In order to emerge victorious from any match, you need to take into account many subtleties of cruiser management, as well as avoid the common mistakes in 2025!

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World of Warships is a Team Game

Common Mistakes of Players in World of Warships

Communication with your comrades in WoWs is essential, as in any team game. To do this, use voice or text chat. The game’s community is friendly, and fellow players are willing to share advice with newcomers.

During the first battle, it will be wise to be in the back rows while following the commands of more experienced allies. Ideally, the team should have a leader who has a good sense of the fleet’s strengths and weaknesses, can quickly orient people in a difficult situation, and prioritizes. If there is no such person, act together. This way, the game will be more interesting, and the chances of winning will increase.

One of the most common mistakes among World of Warships players is to ignore their teammates. This is especially common among newcomers who have mastered some of the subtleties of the game and consider themselves experts. However, even a professional will not be able to defeat grouped enemies on a single cruiser.

Study Your Ship

Common Mistakes of Players in World of Warships Guide

World of Warships has many features that are worth studying in detail before a battle:

  • armor scheme – shows the location and thickness of armor;
  • survivability – total HP and anti-torpedo protection;
  • artillery – projectile damage, as well as gun reload time;
  • torpedoes – reload time, turn rate, damage, and range of torpedoes;
  • airstrikes – information about the availability of bombers as additional weapons;
  • depth bombs – effective means of fighting against submarines;
  • Air defense – the tab describes the number and quality of air defense guns;
  • aviation – number, and characteristics of aircraft on aircraft carriers;
  • maneuverability – information about the ship’s maximum turning speed;
  • Cloaking – shows the distance at which the enemy can detect the ship.

By studying the main characteristics of the ship, you can understand your strengths and weaknesses, and then build tactics of battle.

Don’t Forget about Maneuvering

Tips and Tactics in World of Warships Guide

A stationary ship is an easy target for the enemy. And to perform any maneuver, the ship needs a lot of time. Therefore, it is essential to shoot accurately and move competently. Of course, at first, it will be difficult to calculate the trajectory of torpedoes, but in time, you will learn to dodge.

Any cruiser has a reverse, but using it without a good reason is not recommended. So, you will become an easy target for enemy torpedoes. Therefore, this movement option should be considered only when moving and maneuvering at full throttle is impossible.

Do not forget that turning stern or bow to the enemy ship reduces the area of possible damage. However, most of the onboard weapons will be inaccessible in this position. Therefore, please wait until the opponent has fired his salvo before turning to fire back.

Use the Minimap

Tips World of Warships Guide

Another grave mistake among newbies is to ignore the radar, which may indicate enemies. Each ship has a different range of view. As a rule, the higher the mast, the more visibility the player has on the minimap. Battleships can see farthest (up to 20 km), while destroyers can boast a modest view. Aircraft carriers can detect enemies at a very long distance with the help of airplanes.

Remember that the enemy cruiser can disappear from the radar if it moves outside your visibility radius. In this case, you should use your intuition or air reconnaissance.

You can hide your own presence from enemy radars with the help of camouflage, ship modernization or upgrading the skills of the commander.

Learn the Mechanics of Damage.

Tactics World of Warships Guide

The damage mechanisms in WoW’s game are pretty varied. A ship can be hit by a shell or torpedo, burned by an unextinguished fire, or slowly sink with damage below the waterline. Understanding the damage mechanics will help you save the ship and crew.


A ship fire occurs after a missile, aerial bomb, or OEF shell hits. Up to four fires can be active at the same time (two in the center section and one each at the stern and bow). If your commander has Master Firefighter skills, the total number of fires is reduced to three.

Fires destroy the ship gradually, dealing damage every second. In addition, when on fire, the ship’s visibility to ships and aircraft is significantly increased.

Using the “Emergency Team” you will put out the fire, and to repair 100% of the fire damage it is enough to use the “Repair Team”.


Torpedo hits or ramming can cause flooding fore or aft of the ship. The maximum duration of this effect is 30 seconds for aircraft carriers and 40 seconds for ships of other classes. During this time, the ship loses strength points and movement speed.

When flooding, the ship’s crew can repair the breach themselves or use the “Emergency Team.” Reproducing 100% of the flooding damage is possible using the “Repair Team.”

By following the described recommendations and avoiding common mistakes, you will greatly improve the quality of your game. With time, all the necessary skills will come as well, and your overall game winning percentage will increase.


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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3 months ago

I hear a lot of pro players saying the term “overmatch”. What is it?

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