In modern online games where users compete against each other, computer performance is essential in determining whether there is a tactical advantage.
The most obvious way to dominate WoT through hardware performance is to have a powerful PC, which is also the most costly.
An alternative solution is to use the optimal game settings, which can improve the performance of any computer and increase the screen refresh rate (FPS).
The main settings available in WoT and recommended parameters for optimizing the gameplay will be discussed below.
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- World of Tanks General Game Settings
- Chat
- Battle Communication
- Battle Interface
- Random Battles Settings
- Vehicle Panel
- Display of Customization Elements in Combat
- Minimap Transparency
- Animation of the Camera in the Garage
- Battle Recording
- Other Settings
- World of Tanks Settings for a Low-End PC in 2025
- Settings to Increase FPS
- Graphics Settings
- Sound Settings
- Volume
- Presets
- Sound Elements
- Voice chat
- WoT Control Settings
- Sight Settings
- Arcade Scope
- Sniper Scope
- Artillery Sight
- Outlining Settings
- Setting the Markers
- Enemy Team
- Allied Team
- Markers of Hit Tanks
- Information in Battle
- Firing Indicators
- Information about Battle Events
- Battle History
- Map Border
- Battle Report and Missions
World of Tanks General Game Settings
The first tab in the WoT settings contains the main game settings, which are divided into several blocks:
This section allows you to customize communication with other users of the project and select the state of the following options:
- activate message censorship and enable spam hiding, which allows you to protect yourself from attacks by trolls and toxics;
- show the date and time of messages (necessary when organizing team battles);
- allow invitations from friends only;
- activate platoon invitations during a battle;
- allow receiving requests to be added as a friend if you want to expand your contact list;
- enable receiving messages only from your contacts, which helps you avoid chatting with outsiders;
- disabling chat with allies, which is relevant when they are too friendly, and you need to focus on the fight;
- activation of receiving clan messages is required to avoid missing important events in your community.
Battle Communication 
The block allows you to customize the exchange of important information with your allies, and by default, all items are in an active state, including display:
- communication on the command panel;
- fixed markers;
- personal commands;
- base markings in Random Battles.
Battle Interface
This block includes several necessary settings:
- The display of vehicle tier must be enabled.
- Demonstration of the destroyed enemy and own tokens does not carry useful information and can be disabled.
- The green optics effect is for amateurs, but to improve the perception, it is better not to check the box.
- Showing a destroyed enemy allows you to remember him as a dangerous opponent.
- Turning on the dynamic camera is not worth it because the sight shakes when driving on rough terrain.
- Smooth switching between the zoom multiples of the sight should be active.
- An active tactical view state allows you to zoom out the camera and see the entire battlefield to understand the formation of forces and assets.
- By turning on the commander’s camera, observing the battle after your death will be possible.
- Horizontal stabilization of the sight in sniper mode should be activated to make aiming easier.
- Those who like to aim from afar can note the zoom multiplicity of x16 and x25.
- To avoid accidentally switching to sniper mode by scrolling the mouse wheel, activate this function only when pressing the Shift key.
- To turn the body into sniper mode, you should not check the box that turns off this feature because you will have to do it with the arrows on the keyboard, which is not always convenient.
- Using server sight is relevant in case of a slow internet connection and increases shooting accuracy.
- You can choose the preferred zoom ratio in sniper mode from the drop-down list, but keeping the “Last used” one is better.
- The display of equipment markers on the account panel does not interfere with perception and can be left.
To complete the customization of the combat interface, it is necessary to scroll down the menu and define the following options:
- Display:
- no damage notifications;
- speedometer for wheeled vehicles;
- repair time of damaged modules;
- the previous battle in chat.
- It is optimal to choose from the drop-down lists:
- show the strength of vehicles on the command panel and the minimap;
- enable additional features of the minimap;
- select the minimap as a tooltip on the loading screens of simple and ranked battles.
- It makes no sense to check the box “Configuration switch on loading screen” because 30 seconds before the battle is enough for this purpose.
Random Battles Settings
This block allows you to augment the variation of battles when selecting a random battle and include it in the list:
- Encounter Battle, available after researching level IV equipment;
- Assault, available for vehicles of level VI and higher;
- Grand battle is open for tanks of level X.
Vehicle Panel
This block is relevant if you have a lot of equipment in the Garage and the standard one-level carousel scroll is too long. You can choose a two-level version and activate the statistics display when hovering the cursor over a unit.
Display of Customization Elements in Combat
This block allows you to select one of three options for the appearance of your vehicles:
- Historical – tanks will have a historically accurate appearance.
- Historical and non-historical – various camouflage colors without relation to reality will be available.
- Historical, non-historical, and fictional – will make it possible to use all styles, designs, and colors available in the game.
Minimap Transparency
Turning on the transparent minimap mode is not recommended because its readability is impaired.
All available items should be marked in order to get maximum useful information on the minimap.
Animation of the Camera in the Garage
You can enable camera rotation when there is no activity and activate animation when moving the cursor with the mouse.
Battle Recording
In this block, you can turn the recording of all or the last fights on or off. Recorded clips are saved in the “replays” folder of the root directory and occupy:
- regular battles – 1-2 MB;
- fighting on the “Front Line” – 3-6 MB.
Other Settings
The remaining options are not combined into a separate block and allow:
- Enable marks of excellence.
- Show the garage equipment of the player and his squadmates.
- Provide the ability to select a server at the start of the application.
- Replace the accurate nickname with a random one.
World of Tanks Settings for a Low-End PC in 2025
To improve the performance of a weak computer, you will need to set the graphics minimum settings:
- 3D render resolution should be left at the level WoT has determined and reduced only if the screen refresh rate (FPS) is less than 60 frames per second.
- The checkbox next to the “Dynamic Adjustment” function should be unchecked (if it is checked); otherwise, periodic deterioration of the picture may be observed.
- A full-screen playback of the game does not affect performance, but changing it to windowed mode makes it easier to switch between WoT and other running applications or the desktop using Alt-Tab.
- Resolution directly affects the performance of the graphics adapter, so reducing it will noticeably increase the screen refresh rate.
- Vertical synchronization and triple buffering should be checked if the FPS exceeds 60 frames per second, eliminating artifacts’ appearance and preventing frame jumps.
- Using the internal browser of the WoT client allows you to speed up the loading of locations.
- Increasing the viewing angle increases the number of objects on the screen, reducing their size, which should load the video card. Still, this does not always happen in practice, so decreasing the parameter’s value should objectively assess the increase in FPS.
- Antialiasing eliminates the steepness of the picture at the edges of objects, and its reduction to a minimum increases performance.
- Texture quality affects the realism of graphics but can be reduced to a minimum without affecting the gameplay.
- It is better not to reduce the quality of objects below “Maximum” because it reduces their visibility distance.
- Drawing distance should also be left at a level not lower than “Maximum” so as not to degrade the perspective or give the enemy a tactical advantage.
- The rest of the effects can be minimized, and the additional effects can be maximized because otherwise:
- it will not be apparent when artillery is attacking;
- ricochets will become invisible;
- armor penetration will become visually indistinguishable.
Settings to Increase FPS
To increase FPS, you should consistently perform operations to improve a weak computer’s performance (see World of Tanks Settings for Weak PC), selecting the optimal World of Tanks settings for a particular combination of hardware and software.
Graphics Settings
Visualization parameters were partially discussed in the World of Tanks Settings for Weak PC section, so let’s focus on the options that were left out:
- On the advanced settings tab, you can select one of the possible options for graphics quality:
- ultra;
- max;
- high;
- medium;
- low;
- minimum;
- custom.
- There is a possibility of an enlarged choice between standard and improved graphics.
- Block of lighting and post-processing options refers to cinematic effects. It makes the visual component as realistic as possible, which makes sense when shooting a WoT walkthrough video but does not give a tactical advantage in battle.
- Blocks of settings for water quality, landscape, vegetation, and grass allow you to make the environment more colorful and realistic but do not provide tactical superiority so that they can be minimized without damage.
- The “Foilage Transparency” and “Grass in Sniper Mode” options impair visibility when aiming and should be disabled anyway.
- Advanced destruction physics causes debris to cling to the tank’s hull and spoil the impression of the game, so the option should be disabled.
- Activating the effects of tracks and wheels and their traces is a redundant visualization that can be sacrificed.
Sound Settings
You can turn off all sounds in this tab by unchecking one checkbox or setting the overall level of all audio effects using the slider.
In this setting box, you can set the desired volume for the following sounds:
- Interface sounds that accompany various events in the game, which can be turned up;
- vehicle sounds, including the roar of engines and the clanking of tracks, which are distracting and can be significantly reduced;
- voice notification, which allows you not to miss important messages (hits, fire, tanker replicas, etc.);
- effects, including gunshots, explosions, collisions of combat vehicles, etc., which are heard unexpectedly and distract from the game so that they can be disabled or minimized;
- ambience, including flying airplanes, singing birds, weather phenomena, etc., that create an effect of presence and do not distract from the process;
- battle music that plays at the beginning and end of combat and has no practical significance;
- music in Garage that can be turned off without damage.
The following settings can be selected in this settings block:
- Night mode mutes all audio components.
- Low quality and relevant for weak PCs with built-in audio adapters.
- Bass boost, which distorts the sound.
- Subtitles that work in modes with voice-over (e.g., when teaching).
You can also select an audio playback device between:
- speakers;
- headphones;
- laptop.
It is possible to automatically identify speakers or select a device from a drop-down list.
Sound Elements
This section allows you to select sounds from drop-down lists:
- of voice messages in battle;
- application of the Sixth Sense;
- to activate Sonic Intelligence.
Voice chat
This tab allows you to:
- Turn the microphone on/off.
- Adjust the volume level:
- user voices;
- ambient sounds.
- Set the key to turn on the microphone.
- Please select a device to receive sound and set its sensitivity.
WoT Control Settings
In the “Keyboard” block, you can set buttons for each action provided by the gameplay.
The “Mouse” block allows you to:
- adjust the sensitivity of the device when using existing sights;
- enable different types of inversion (horizontal, vertical, and when moving in reverse).
Sight Settings
In this section of the menu, you can customize the sights (arcade, sniper, and artillery) and the target traversal.
Arcade Scope
Allows you to pick up visual components for a sight used for regular targeting of enemies, including:
- indicator;
- central marker;
- load;
- condition;
- aiming;
- gun marker;
- containers;
- loading timer.
Sniper Scope
It allows you to customize the scope for sniper shooting, preferably similar to the arcade scope, so there is no perception dissonance when switching between them.
Artillery Sight
The standard artillery sight is quite informative and can be left unchanged.
Outlining Settings
This section is essential for aiming in combat and provides:
- Selecting a stroke:
- standard – with all decorative elements;
- simplified – just the body.
- Filling zones:
- shootable behind the obstacle;
- not shootable due to obstruction.
Setting the Markers
This section allows you to customize the information about enemies, allies, and hit units shown above the vehicle.
Enemy Team
You can set the primary and alternate (shown by pressing the Alt key) information with red color identification as part of:
- vehicle model;
- equipment level and model;
- user name;
- health indicator;
- auto-aim indicator;
- unit strength;
- damage received.
Allied Team
This section allows you to customize the information about your teammates’ equipment, including data similar to that of enemies but with a green color.
Markers of Hit Tanks
Similarly, you can customize the information displayed above the hit vehicles.
Information in Battle
Messages displayed during the game include the following blocks:
- firing indication;
- combat events;
- event history;
- map boundaries;
- combat report and personal combat objectives.
Firing Indicators
It allows you to see who fired a shot, from where, and with what result (blocking, hitting, module damage).
Information about Battle Events
The tab allows you to select the necessary information from an extensive offered list, displayed in the lower center part of the screen, and disappear.
Battle History
This option allows you to customize the visualization of received and inflicted damage in the chronological sequence of events.
Map Border
This tab allows you to customize the border’s appearance without being driven over.
Battle Report and Missions
In this settings block, you can select the parameters that will most fully display the ratio of forces of the allied and enemy teams and the fulfillment of personal combat tasks.