Special Operation “Volcano” in Warface 2024

Spec-Ops Volcano in Warface Guide

Mediteck Solutions has opened a secret scientific complex in Africa in sector N26. It is located in a volcano, but it is unknown what kind of research and development is carried out there. The Warface squad enters the complex, collects all available information, and conducts surveillance. If threats are detected, they will be destroyed. This is a unique operation called “Volcano.”

Gifts and Rewards

For the successful completion of the special operation “Vulkan,” each member of the Warface squad receives FCG-R3 K1. This is an energy rifle that shoots plasma. It is effective against EOD of all types, against turrets, and other technical enemies. The gun has a fixed x1.2 scope. FCG-R3 K1 is a weapon without which it is impossible to complete the Volcano mission.

  • Easy:
    Volcano Warface
  • Normal:
    Volcano Warface Rewards
  • Hard:
    Volcano Rewards

Special Operation Volcano Achievements

Volcano Achievements

There are 22 additional achievements in Special Operation “Vulkan.” The player gets additional experience, badges, and ranks to complete them. Full list of the accomplishments in Special Operation “Vulkan”:

  1. Volcano Explorer. Complete the mission on the “Easy” difficulty level.
  2. Turret Specialist. Destroy a total of 500 enemy automatic weapons while completing the particular operation.
  3. Tactical Expert. Pass a special operation on “Hard” without dying or using the resurrection sign.
  4. Sweep. Destroy 1000 enemies with headshots.
  5. Magma Force. Kill 5000 enemies using weapons from the Magma series.
  6. Volcano Connoisseur. Complete the operation on the “Hard” difficulty level.
  7. Master of his craft. It is necessary to destroy 100 turrets using additional weapons.
  8. Battle in the volcano. Kill a total of 5000 enemies.
  9. Magma Strike. Destroy 1000 enemies using the Magma series of cold weapons.
  10. Stormtrooper. Complete a mission on Hard by playing a Stormtrooper.
  11. Medic. Complete a mission on Hard by playing a medic.
  12. Engineer. Complete a mission on Hard by playing an engineer.
  13. Sniper. Complete a mission on Hard by playing a sniper.
  14. SED. Complete a mission on Hard by playing an SED.
  15. Storm. Complete the mission 3 times by playing a Stormtrooper.
  16. Trip to Hell. Complete the mission 3 times playing as a medic.
  17. Into the middle of nowhere. Complete the special operation 3 times, playing as an engineer.
  18. Abyss of Fire. Complete the mission 3 times playing as a sniper.
  19. Gates of Hell. Complete the mission 3 times playing as an SED.
  20. Serious Challenge. Destroy 50 turrets with the FCG-R3 K1 energy rifle.
  21. Carnage. Destroy 10,000 enemies.
  22. Braveheart. Kill 500 enemies with cold weapons.

The easiest achievements to complete are “Volcano Explorer”, “Master of your craft”, and “Magma Power”.

Tasks and Missions

Volcano Missions

After arriving at the assembly point, the squad discovers that the Meditech Solutions scientific complex is run by an artificial intelligence named Ursula. This prototype is responsible for the security system. The Warface squad perceives it as a danger, so a combat alarm is activated immediately after entering the complex.

The fight will have to be with turrets. In total, they are in the mission 6 varieties:

  1. Cobra. The primary turret fires short bursts.
  2. Murena. Retractable model mounted on the floor. When approaching it, it opens up and fires to kill. There is a fast rate of fire, but armor is minimal.
  3. Porcupine. Wall-mounted turret. It moves on rails, making it harder to hit than static models.
  4. Hornet. Long-range turret. Fires in short bursts but at long ranges. It was destroyed by one accurate shot from a grenade launcher.
  5. Mammoth: It has a heavy turret. The armor on the front is impenetrable. One must enter from the rear and shoot the energy battery to destroy the turret.
  6. Ursula. The most potent turret with artificial intelligence controls the entire scientific complex.

In the mission, the player learns that Blackwood is behind the development of the scientific complex. The organization was engaged in the creation of artificial intelligence to participate in combat operations.

General Tips for Passing the Special Operation “Volcano” in 2024

Volcano Achievements

The best team composition: one or two medics, two stormtroopers, an engineer. A sniper is unnecessary because the mission is corridor-based, with battles in small arenas. SED is vulnerable to energy weapons, which are used by enemies here. The maximum number of players in a squad is 5 people.

There should always be a medic next to each stormtrooper. The engineer acts as an assault support and repairs armor if necessary.

Additional tips for completing the mission:

  1. All turrets have a blind spot. Even the porcupine and mammoth, although they are mobile. It will take 2-3 passes to learn them.
  2. When entering a new hall, you need to hide behind cover immediately. Then, shoot stormtroopers and enemies with grenade launchers. And only when new enemies stop appearing – to deal with turrets.
  3. All enemy guns have vulnerable spots. They are highlighted in dark color. It is where you need to shoot. First, you must knock down the metal armor and destroy the energy battery.
  4. The best weapons for passing the operation are energy rifles. During the first pass on any difficulty, they are given for free in the 12th hall before the final boss.
  5. Additional resources during the special operation are few. It is recommended to spend them on energy barriers. There is no need to buy automatic turrets: they are destroyed in seconds.
  6. You should choose a throwing weapon from cold weapons like a tomahawk. This will allow you to complete the “Magma Strike” achievement faster.

In single-player mode to pass the special operation is possible. To do this, it is recommended to use the resources obtained to buy grenade launcher shots.

Step-by-Step Passage of Special Operation “Volcano”

The scientific complex Mediteck Solutions is divided into 13 halls. The last one is located in “Ursula”. The main task is to destroy it. The transition to a new hall is available only after clearing the current one.

Volcano Guide

The First

There are 4 Cobra guns in the hall. They appear after destroying a group of stormtroopers.


There are 14 “Murena” turrets in the hall. They appear from the floor; shoot them from the maximum distance. Four energy barriers are available for cover. On the “Pro” difficulty level, they are periodically disabled.

The Third

Opponents: stormtroopers, 12 “Murena” and 1 “Hornet.” First, you must destroy the soldiers below and on the upper bridges. Then – shoot the turrets. “Hornet” shoots in bursts with a break of 2-3 seconds. You need to wait for the attack and then shoot with a grenade launcher or energy rifle.

Volcano Warface Guide

The Fourth

In the next room, there are 6 Cobras and a lot of stormtroopers. The shelters don’t allow you to hide from the automatic weapons fire completely, so you have to move, changing your position before each attack.


The opponents are “Cobra.” However, since there are no shelters at the beginning of the hall, it is necessary to search for “blind spots quickly.” The medics can do this while the squad’s stormtroopers fight the soldiers.


There will be different turrets in the sector: “Cobras,” “Murena,” and “Hornet.” In the beginning, ” Porcupines ” will also appear, which must be destroyed by a grenade thrown into a niche.


The main enemy – is porcupines.” There will also be Blackwood snipers, but they shoot from a distance and often miss. You have to wait for their shot, after which you can quickly take a new cover, gradually moving towards the elevator: it is the squad gathering point.


The stage starts with the appearance of the Hornet and the Murena. You need to destroy them as quickly as possible before the Blackwood soldiers start appearing: there will be 3 waves of them in total. Soldiers with assault rifles attack from below, snipers and grenade launchers – from above.


In the stage, all enemies are Blackwood Alliance guards armed only with batons. The room will be filled with smoke, which reduces visibility. You can do the most headshots in this room to fulfill the “Sweep” achievement.

Volcano Warface New Guide


Opponents: 2 Murena and 4 Hornet. Blackwood soldiers attack with energy weapons; one hit takes about 70% HP. There will be mobs of guards coming from the side of the walls. They can use a smoke grenade. The soldiers will not attack with energy weapons when the room is smoky.


At the beginning of the stage, there will be 2 moving “Cobras.” After their destruction, a “Mammoth” turret appears. Its fire on itself should be called stormtroopers. At this point, the engineer or medic must go around the enemy and destroy the energy batteries behind the “Mammoth.”

Volcano Warface Full Guide


In this room, all variants of turrets will be. They appear randomly, so the player must change the passing tactics each time. It is necessary to actively use grenades, throwing them “Murena” and “Porcupines.” Blackwood soldiers attack from the upper bridge. At the end of the stage, players will be given FCG-R3 K1 energy rifles.


At the beginning of the hall, players will encounter a machine that creates a Cobra. After destroying two, the boss, Ursula, will appear. She makes new guns by placing them randomly on the map. Sometimes, an “exclamation mark” icon will appear on the boss. This means that Ursula’s door is about to open. Inside is a processor, which you must attack with shots from the FCG-R3 K1. Alliance soldiers use the same weapon, so you need to wait in cover. You can use grenades against regular enemies, but only FCG-R3 K1 against Ursula.

Volcano Warface Updated Guide

Tactics for passing the halls are suitable for all difficulty levels. They differ only in the number of Blackwood soldiers that attack the Warface squad and the size of the HP of turrets. The average time to pass is 24 minutes.


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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