Best Swedish Tanks in World of Tanks: Which Line to Choose in 2025

Sweden Tech Tree Review Best Swedish Tanks in WoT

Your choice of equipment determines the outcome of your battle. In World of Tanks, there are several development branches – and you can choose the one that perfectly suits your gameplay. We will consider all the most exciting models. They will help you win any battle.

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Which Line of Swedish Tanks to Choose in 2025

Sweden Tech Tree Review

Among the best vehicles, we could highlight Tank Destroyers, which are the most exciting and easy to master. A vast selection is presented. These machines can rightfully be called destroyers of enemy vehicles. But we would like to highlight other options worthy of attention. We will consider all the available branches.

Line of Light Tanks

Best Sweden Light Tanks

LTs are good at scouting and causing turmoil on the battlefield. But they need to be adequately managed to be as helpful as possible.

Strv fm/21

Strv fm/21

It is not the fastest LT of the first range, but the fast chassis rotation compensates for its speed. There are two decent guns to choose from—37 or 20 mm. The engine is located in the front, which must be considered: you must play carefully.

From the shelters we advise to get out only a small part of the stern. It’s hard to hit it, especially if the enemy is far away.

Strv fm/21 WoT


  • good gun depression;
  • ammunition;
  • 37 mm cannon with high aiming speed.

The main disadvantage is questionable dynamics. Also, if you play carelessly, you will often suffer from engine damage.

Strv m/38

Strv m/38 WoT

Excellent LT with a minimum number of disadvantages. Suitable for fans of ambushes. True, it has almost no armor and a low communication range. The weapon allows for practical sniper shooting, and the cannon is accurate. Close combat when playing this technique is advised to avoid, as the distance can be kept thanks to sufficient maneuverability.

For a beginner the machine is ideal: it will show the basics of gameplay and teach the first tricks.

Strv m/38


  • comfortable cannon with high firing accuracy;
  • projectiles fly fast and on a good trajectory;
  • effectively penetrates opponents’ defenses;
  • good downward declination angle of the Gun;
  • sufficient dynamics;
  • impressive stealth performance;
  • proper crew role allocation.

We remind you that the machine has little armor. Therefore, you should play it carefully, taking this feature into account.

Strv m/40L

Strv m/40L WoT

The best variant in the LT branch has proven to be as effective as possible on the battlefield. It forgives small mistakes, so it is suitable for beginners. It is mobile—you can change position quickly to achieve victory. The Gun is comfortable to shoot.

Reloading is almost instantaneous, which allows you to conduct dynamic duels. Although the damage per shot – only 40 units.

Strv m/40L


  • good basic projectile;
  • accuracy and rate of fire;
  • frontal armor is excellent for lightweight models;
  • rational distribution of roles in the crew.

The main disadvantage is the low range of communication. Also, the vehicle has virtually no armor on the sides and stern.

Medium Tank Line

Best Sweden Medium Tanks

MT will allow you to conduct exciting battles. It is usually used by more experienced players who know the importance of proper positioning. Sweden offers a good line, and the technique leaves positive emotions.


Lago WOTThis is a level 4 technique. Many players underestimate it, although it deserves attention due to the armor penetration of the sub-caliber shell. You will be able to fight back even against opponents of a higher level. Play advised on the third line, periodically giving illumination to allies. It is better to converge only with slow-moving vehicles. The model’s armor is weak, but it is compensated by good visibility and camouflage.



  • dynamic;
  • excellent gun depression;
  • sufficient visibility;
  • good camouflage parameters.

Remember that aiming speed takes a long time. It also has large dimensions, which makes it too conspicuous in combat.

Strv m/42

Strv m/42 WoT

A dynamic vehicle with ample damage per minute. Capable of reaching a speed of 45 kilometers per hour. You can say that this is a typical representative of its line. To get it, you need to pump the previous model.

Strv m/42


  • dynamic;
  • good gun depression;
  • one-time damage is impressive.

The main disadvantage is weak armor. Also, the gun takes too long to wind down, which can negatively affect the course of the battle.

Strv 74

Strv 74 WoT

The Gun can easily penetrate enemy plating, although close combat is still undesirable. We advise you to keep a moderate distance. Due to its good mobility—the maximum speed is 45 kilometers per hour—it is not difficult to achieve this. Weapons are brought down quickly, which gives it an advantage over many other vehicles.

Strv 74


  • suitable armor penetration parameters;
  • accurate and fast aiming;
  • excellent gun depression;
  • the top Gun is very comfortable to use.

Take into account that this MT is often damaged by defense, and also it regularly suffers from ammunition.


Leo WoT

This adequate level 7 MT will reveal itself if you first pump up its running gear and engines. In the stock state, it turns too slowly, and gains speed poorly. It is not recommended that a better gun be installed; the previous one in the development branch is enough.



  • fast travel speed;
  • good gun depression;
  • even the pre-top Gun shows itself perfectly;
  • presence of alpha-strike in the Top Gun.

Armor is so bad, so be careful. Also take into account the impressive size and long reload time of the top gun.

UDES 14 Alt 5

UDES 14 Alt 5 WoT

It is a good fire support vehicle that can effectively cover allies. You can easily change your position if needed. But this is a specific model; you need to adapt to it. It is desirable to place it in a diamond to protect yourself from enemy attacks. However, in a battle with level 10 vehicles, the unit has already started to slacken significantly.

UDES 14 Alt 5


  • single damage is relatively high;
  • excellent gun depression;
  • The Gun is comfortable to use;
  • the projectile reaches the target quickly;
  • comfortable suspension mechanics;
  • wide field of view;
  • excellent camouflage parameters.

The main disadvantage is too long reloading time and low armor reserve. The unit cannot develop high speed.



The universal model in the ST development branch performs well in different situations. The Gun is characterized by good penetration and decent one-time damage. It does not like an overly aggressive game unless you know enough about the enemy. The peculiarities of the location of modules inside are taken into account: behind the lower frontal part, there are transmission and engine, and on the sides, tanks. The UDES 16 is excellent for ambush tactics.



  • dimensions that give an advantage in combat;
  • the front of the turret is heavily protected;
  • sufficient mobility;
  • outstanding camouflage parameters.

Study the hull armor carefully, as mistakes will be costly.

UDES 15/16

UDES 15/16 WoT

The best level 10 Swedish MT is a modification of its predecessor. It can effectively fight on the front lines and at a distance from enemies. You can play aggressively if you know about the peculiarities of enemy vehicles. Otherwise, there is a risk of running into a more powerful machine and quickly dropping out of the battle. MT is maneuverable, so it is suitable for tactics based on ambushes.

UDES 15/16


  • compactness;
  • reliable armor of the frontal part;
  • high mobility;
  • good speed when moving backward;
  • decent damage from a single shot;
  • there are shaped charge shells.

The main disadvantage is mediocre plating of the hull sides. Also, the internal modules are too vulnerable.

Heavy Tank Line

Best Sweden Heavy Tanks

Heavy tanks in skillful hands perform well in battles. They can withstand much damage due to armor, although they are less maneuverable than light and medium tanks. Let’s take a closer look at the offered lineup.

Emil I

Emil I WoT

It’s not a bad 8th-level HT – and quite dynamic, too. Its maximum speed is 50 kilometers per hour. We advise you to get the Smooth turret rotation and soft running for a more comfortable game. Get the Virtuoso, and the Sniper will improve your shooting accuracy for better maneuverability.

Emil I


  • excellent downward UHVs;
  • reliable frontal turret protection;
  • good armor penetration;
  • dynamic.

A significant flaw is weak hull armor. Also, the technique has a long lead time and a small view.

Emil II

Emil II WoT

Fast and maneuverable – can reach speeds of 40 kilometers per hour. It performs well in combat, as it can inflict significant damage on the enemy. Even the basic projectiles are very comfortable to use. Emil II has very low durability, so the peculiarities of the style of play have been adjusted.

Emil II


  • good UHVs downrange;
  • excellent turret armor;
  • decent top speed;
  • dynamism;
  • high-speed base projectiles.

Note that the aiming speed takes a lot of time. Also, the ammo is relatively tiny.


Kranvagn WoT

HT can accelerate up to 45 kilometers per hour and has a vision range of 390 meters. It is purchased immediately in “elite” condition. It is well-suited for both beginners and experienced players. However, the small margin of safety must be taken into account. Premium projectiles have poor penetration parameters.



  • excellent UHIs;
  • dynamism;
  • weapons are quickly reduced;
  • it is almost impossible to penetrate the turret’s frontal armor.

The plating on the hull is weak, so take care of it and be careful.

Tank Destroyers Line

Best Sweden Tank Destroyers

Swedish Tank Destroyers are some of the most influential players in the game. The main thing is to use the right tactics on them and react instantly to changes on the battlefield.

Pvlvv fm/42

Pvlvv fm/42 WoT

Although the technique belongs to the Tank Destroyers, it is more like a light tank, as a machine gun is among the available modules. It is dynamic and has suitable camouflage parameters. Confrontation with the enemy is not recommended; you should use workarounds and try to capture the base. However, it can not be said that this is a tremendous and exciting option for the whole development tree.

Pvlvv fm/42


  • dynamism and maneuverability;
  • the best stealth on the level;
  • highest gun elevation at the level.

The machine has a lot of disadvantages: for a Tank Destroyers it has a low damag, a small reserve of durability, visibility is also mediocre. It suffers a lot from rams.

Ikv 72

Ikv 72 WoT

It is a collector’s car that does not require research. It moves up to 57 kilometers per hour and has excellent visibility. It performs well against enemy vehicles with low armor characteristics but also suffers from a lack of protection.

Ikv 72


  • large ammunition;
  • dynamism;
  • good gun depression;
  • impressive camouflage rating;
  • excellent visibility;
  • powerful high-explosive rounds;
  • low silhouette.

When playing, take into account the presence of an open deckhouse and not the best accuracy.

Sav m/43

Sav m/43 WoT

Tank Destroyers can move at a speed of up to 43 kilometers per hour and have good accuracy. We advise you to take the Sniper, which will significantly increase the firing power. Also, be sure to take care of the armor protection.

Sav m/43


  • the choice between guns: 105 mm Fuego or 75 mm cannon;
  • good gun elevation and gun depression.

The disadvantage is mediocre dynamics and communication range.

Ikv 103

Ikv 103 WoT

You can choose between two 105 mm guns. But in both cases, the velocity of shells is low, so you have to shoot on a hover trajectory. Tank Destroyers are not suitable for hitting the enemy on the move. Armor is not the best, so you must choose a reliable defensive position.

The main tactic is to search for slow or stationary tanks at medium range and support the allied offensive.

Ikv 103


  • dynamism;
  • great single damage;
  • good gun depression can be fired from behind a hill;
  • small size;
  • good camouflage.

The main disadvantage is low accuracy. The armor penetration parameter is so wrong.

Ikv 65 Alt II

Ikv 65 Alt II WoT

A reasonably fast Tank Destroyer with up to 60 kilometers per hour. At its level, it is a serious opponent that can deliver a decisive blow. Its vulnerable spot is the engine. It is damaged very often. It is also necessary to increase the strength of the armor.

Ikv 65 Alt II


  • decent armor penetration;
  • fires accurately;
  • high damage from a single shot;
  • almost instant reconciliation;
  • dynamism.

Take into account that the vehicle has a low mass, so it is vulnerable to ramming. It also has very weak armor and not the best EOR and DPM.

Ikv 90 Typ B

Ikv 90 Typ B WoT

A dynamic and powerful variant capable of quickly disabling a hesitant enemy. You must believe the equipment has almost no armor when considering your style. Therefore, you must carefully choose your position and try to dodge enemy attacks. Otherwise, the game will end almost immediately.

Ikv 90 Typ B


  • dynamism;
  • good gun elevation and gun depression;
  • large ammo;
  • good at penetrating alien hulls.

Take into account that the technique does not have the fastest aim time, as well as abysmal stabilization.



The tactics are predominantly ambush tactics. You can hide behind a previously destroyed small vehicle or a hill. However, getting away from the position may be challenging because of the low speed. In critical situations, immediately switch to a camping position. The technique shows itself well at different levels, even without premium shells.



  • outstanding performance in hiking mode, very agile;
  • excellent camouflage;
  • Top Gun effectively penetrates other people’s defenses.

There is no armor as such. In addition, the UDES 3 often suffers from fire and engine damage.

Strv 103-0

Strv 103-0 WoT

A non-standard level 9 variant that takes some getting used to: targeting is done by turning and tilting the hull. There are two modes – marching and siege. The most vulnerable areas of the Strv 103-0 are the commander’s turret and the sides closer to the roof. Even light tanks can do considerable damage to you.

Strv 103-0


  • high mobility in hike mode;
  • in siege mode, the weapon is potent;
  • high-speed reverse;
  • good frontal protection;
  • decent damage per minute.

The main disadvantage is that you will not easily hit the enemy with a shot while moving. Also, the engine and tanks are located too vulnerable.

Strv 103B

Strv 103B WoT

Another non-standard variant with similar targeting features to the previous model but already level 10. It is most comfortable to shoot in siege mode. It is difficult to do it on the move. The one-time shot is the weakest on the level and has poor essential visibility. If you play an aggressive game, study the features of opponents’ vehicles.

Strv 103B


  • dynamism in marching mode;
  • impressive gun performance in siege mode;
  • good reverse speed;
  • armor penetration is the best on the level;
  • excellent camouflage;
  • high damage per minute.

Onboard and aft armor is very weak. Take this into account when thinking about your play style.

What Swedish Premium Tank to Buy in 2025

Best Sweden Premium Tanks

Premium vehicles deserve attention, too. If you want to invest in it specifically, check out the list of the most exciting options.

Light Tank – Lago M38

Lago M38 WoT

The LT is effective when playing at close or medium ranges. You can play from the terrain and hit even well-armed opponents. At the same time, you can easily dodge enemy attacks.

Lago M38


  • decent armor penetration with the main projectile;
  • vertical angles;
  • dynamism.

The main disadvantage is the large spread of the gun.

Medium Tank – Primo Victoria

Primo Victoria WoT

Reminiscent of some British vehicles in style. The turret can fend off even powerful main shells of higher-level vehicles. The machine reveals its potential well on terrain or behind barriers. At the same time, it often acts as a firefly.

Primo Victoria


  • excellent visibility performance;
  • high accuracy and armor penetration of the Gun;
  • cross-country capability;
  • excellent vertical angles;
  • shielded plating on the sides;
  • protected turret.

The main disadvantage is too bulky hull and fragile armament.

Heavy Tank – EMIL 1951

EMIL 1951 WoT

Powerful HT with an average damage per minute of 1696. Maximum speed – as much as 45 kilometers per hour. The model is very maneuverable and fast. However, taking inconsiderhooting on the move will not be very convenient due to the features of the Gun.

EMIL 1951


  • excellent drum for three shells;
  • high armor of the turret forehead;
  • excellent DPM;
  • impressive mobility.

The accuracy of the Gun is low, which can complicate gameplay.

Tank Destroyers – Strv S1

Strv S1 WoT

The Strv S1 features unique gameplay due to its incredible camouflage and visibility. It has excellent armor penetration. It is one of the deadliest snipers in combat, but close encounters are recommended to avoid. So, your tactic is an ambush, especially since all the parameters for this are available.

Strv S1


  • excellent camouflage performance;
  • high armor penetration;
  • mobility;
  • fast reversing;
  • has a bulwark;
  • good angle of inclination of the windshield.

The main disadvantage is weak armor and mediocre visibility.

3 Best Swedish Tanks in the World of Tanks

3 Best Swedish Tanks in WoT

So, let’s highlight the most exciting models of the Swedes. As a top unit, we would like to mention Kranvagn. You immediately get it in a ready-to-play condition, and you can implement different tactics on it, as it is dynamic and maneuverable.

We put Strv 103B in second place. This is an absolute destroyer of enemy vehicles with exciting gameplay. It is dynamic and penetrates any armor. It also has impressive camouflage parameters.

Emil II occupies third place. It is fast and hurts even with the essential Gun. The shells reach the enemy quickly, and the turret is reliably protected. That’s why you can neutralize your opponent effectively and without problems.


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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