The Darkness special operation appeared in the game in 2015. It offers an unusual experience – players must fight many cybernetic zombies in a dark location. According to the briefing, it is clear that as a result of Blackwood’s experiments, there was a catastrophe, because of which most of Eastern Europe was filled with cyber zombies. Warface operatives must sneak a device with an EMP charge into the labs to interrupt their production.
In the article we will tell you what awards and achievements are given for the mission, give tips on its passage.
Gifts and Rewards
For completing a special operation, you get a unique box from which the “Punisher” series weapons fall out:
- XM8 LMG;
- Tavor STAR-21 Navy Blue;
- “Vepr”;
- PP-19 Bison;
- FN Five-seveN;
- Sapper spatula.
All weapons are made in the same style and have a bonus to damage zombies from 100 to 250%. Therefore, it will be helpful when replaying this operation or others with such enemies. Also, for the passage, we are given badges, tokens, and patches in zombie-themed. They are unique and are obtained only for this mission. Rewards:
- Easy:
- Normal:
- Hard:
The conditions for getting the reward are different. For example, to get zombie arm patches, you need to complete a special operation in the same class at the “Hard” level 5 times. Rewards vary by class.
Darkness Special Operation Achievements
There are no major achievements in completing the mission, but only four mini-achievements are here. They are related to the number of zombie kills per head:
- X1 – for 1;
- X2-X5 – for 2-5;
- X6-X9 – for 6-9;
- X10 – for 10.
Achievements are given out at the end of the match according to its results.
Tasks and Missions
The main task of “Dangerous Experiment” is to escort an armored vehicle with an EMP device to the laboratory. To do this, the operatives will have to cross a relatively large area, reflecting the attack of cyber-zombies. The EMP charge can turn off electrical devices, so if you run it in the factory, it will stop working, preventing the disaster.
During the escort, the vehicle will be attacked by serious waves of zombies. The difficulty is that their main objective is to destroy it, not to kill the players. Everything is aggravated at the “Hard” difficulty level, where 2-3 enemies will quickly destroy the armored car. Therefore, fighters must carefully defend it, shooting off large waves of enemies on approach. At the same time, from time to time, the EMP device will accumulate energy and trigger, causing the following effects:
- All nearby enemies die;
- Players’ ammo, armor, and health are restored;
- Deceased fighters are resurrected.
This small respite rarely allows operatives to recover after repelling a complex wave of cyber zombies. Several locations will change throughout the special operation, affecting the number of enemy types and their difficulty. The match starts in the forest; then, the armored car passes through a swamp, a repair station (at this point, its strength will be restored), and a car tunnel and arrives at the laboratory, where the fighters are waiting for the boss—the Destroyer.
General Tips For Passing the Special Operation in 2025
Most people can pass “Darkness” on the first or second difficulty. But, to pass it on “Hard” and get the maximum reward, you will need preparation. First, you need to find the correct set of classes. Let’s take a look at which team will suit you:
- Engineer. He was considered ineffective in this mission, but if you like to play for him, be sure to take anti-personnel mines to protect the armored vehicle;
- Sniper. Not bad at killing unique enemies at a long distance before they get close to the vehicle. He is also given a semi-automatic rifle for close encounters;
- Medic. It will be needed in special operations to restore health and resurrect fallen fighters. Because of the many enemies, we recommend taking a shotgun with a large kill zone. It should also have the option of recharging one round at a time. This will allow for better crowd control, preventing them from approaching the armored vehicle;
- Stormtrooper. It is considered the best class for Darkness. There are a lot of zombies in the location, so automatic weapons are an excellent choice for defense against them. In addition, with a vast number of enemies, there will be a shortage of ammunition. Therefore, only a few stormtroopers will effectively replenish the ammunition of the entire team.
The team members will determine the final set of classes, but four stormtroopers and one medic are considered optimal. Before completing a special operation on the “Pro” difficulty, we recommend you complete it 2-3 times on “Hard.” Firstly, you will know the location better, the timings of large waves of cyber-zombies, and difficult moments. Secondly, you will get a weapon from the “Punisher” lineup with bonus damage on zombies, so it will be easier to pass “Darkness.” The last piece of advice is to shoot at the head. Standard Prototypes will die from a couple of body shots, but you need many more hits to kill, especially infected ones.
A Step-By-Step Walkthrough of Special Operation Darkness
The first two locations of “Dangerous Experiment” – forest and swamp do not cause any problems for players. On them, you are confronted by the simplest cyber-zombies – Prototype, Sigma, and Omega. They have no special abilities, differing only in speed and armor. Difficulties begin in the following locations when the number and variety of enemies increase. Let’s consider them separately.
Repair Station
Once in this location, it would be best to defend against enemies from all sides except behind. There will be a lot of zombies, so the stormtroopers should spread out in different directions, and the medic with a shotgun – to stand near the armored vehicle to shoot the missed enemies. This is where the Kamikazes appear. They explode as they approach, causing massive damage to fighters and other zombies. They should never be allowed to approach the vehicle because they can destroy it on the Pro with one explosion.
Therefore, target the Kamikaze first. This will also help in exterminating the crowd. Another special enemy is the Screamer. You can’t let him get close to you either. He screams, knocking down all the players. If the effect of his ability affects the whole team, there will be no one to pick up the fighters and you will have to start the special operation all over again.
The tunnel is long, so the armored car drives through it without stopping, complicating the defense. Here, the Chimera – the most dangerous zombie of the special operation – is added to the enemies. The vast, slow robot does not react to the players. He will move towards the armored vehicle and quickly destroy it on contact. If Warface fighters try to block its path or shoot at it, it will ignore it. The inability to distract is the main danger of the Chimera. At the same time, they have a lot of health, and you need to coordinate with partners to destroy the enemy quickly.
Also do not forget about the danger of kamikazes, who will also easily destroy the machine with EMP charge.
After reaching the laboratory, the only thing left to do is to defeat the mission boss – the Destroyer. The fighters should spread evenly around the room so the whole team doesn’t die from one attack on the area. When the Destroyer targets a player, he won’t switch to another player for 20 seconds. Use this to win the battle. One fighter should distract the boss with fire, then hide from his shots behind cover. At this point, everyone else needs to focus their fire on the Destroyer’s vulnerable spots.
He will fall when many of the boss’s lives are lost. Many zombies will appear on the location at this point, but the Destroyer will be vulnerable to attacks in the vulnerable spot – the capsule. But already in the second fall, instead of the usual cyber-zombies, Screamers will appear. So be careful not to let one of them get close to you.
The position near the wall helps, when no one can approach you from behind. After killing the Destroyer, you will complete a special operation and get a reward.