Guide How to Earn and Farm in Crossout in 2024

How to Earn and Farm In Crossout

Most often, players of the popular multiplayer action are interested in earning money in Crossout. After all, all development in the game is based on gold, which is needed to buy weapons, improvements, materials, and so on. This article will consider all the effective ways to farm in Crossout properly.
Crossout Farm

How to Farm Gold Coins in Crossout

Developers have provided many ways for players to earn coins in Crossout. Gold is the only currency in the game used in the market and other mechanics. First, look at all the available ways to get it in 2024.

To figure out how to earn a lot in Crossout, it is important to keep in mind that gold can be obtained not only directly, but also by selling various materials and items, which also have their own ways of mining.

Daily Rewards and Quests
Crossout Farm Guide

At the first entry into the game, the user receives his first currency and other bonuses. Here is a popular model of online games in which the more days the player logs in, the higher rewards await him. So, if on the first day, you get 25 units of scrap metal, on the 21st day, you will be given a unique “Mentor Container.”

The game also features a system of quests. They not only dilute gameplay and motivate players to try different mechanics and apply new strategies but also allow you to earn additional currency. Available quests are divided into several categories:

  • First steps (for beginners);
  • Special events;
  • Daily quests;
  • Weekly quests.

The amount of rewards depends on the difficulty of the task and other factors determined by the developers. They can give out scrap metal, copper, finished cars, cosmetic improvements, unique items, and more. Most of these can be sold for coins later on.

Participating in PvP Missions
Crossout Farm PvP

PvP battles are the main mechanics of the game. They allow real players to face each other and test their skills, including the ability to assemble effective armored vehicles. Depending on the battle’s outcome, players are also rewarded for participating in it.

The reward depends on the PvP mode selected, but most often, players receive:

  • scrap metal;
  • wires;
  • batteries;
  • fuel (if the appropriate modules are installed on the machine).

There are mining limits in the game. They allow you to farm a limited amount of materials per week and are reset every Thursday:

  • scrap metal – 4500 units;
  • wires – 2800 units;
  • batteries – 1400 units.

Participation in PvE-Missions
Crossout Farm PvE

Players fight against artificial intelligence in PvE battles, but it is no less exciting, and the rewards are even better. Many players prefer to earn fast money in Crossout in this very mode.

Unlike PvP, access here is limited. To start a raid mission, you need a certain amount of fuel, depending on the difficulty of the task:

  • easy – 20 units;
  • medium – 40 units;
  • hard – 60 units.

As a reward for winning in PvE can be given:

  • copper;
  • plastic;
  • electronics;
  • coupons.

Complex missions are not so easy to complete, for them it is necessary not only to properly equip an armored vehicle with a large number of power points, but also to gather a team of experienced fighters with the same indicators. It is noteworthy that the more OM in the team, the more copper falls out of the bosses.

Trading on The Market
Crossout Trade Guide

Trading on the market is the primary method of earning in Crossout in 2024. The game implements a marketplace where real players trade in-game goods for gold.

Almost every item in the game has “Buy” and “Sell” buttons. The system automatically buys the lot with the lowest price in the first case. In the second case, you set the price yourself, but it may take time for it to become the cheapest and be offered to buyers.

Each transaction is charged a commission of 10% of the transaction amount.

Next, let’s take a look at popular items that are worth farming and selling to earn gold in Crossout.

Fuel Crossout

Fuel in the game is divided into two types:

  • free, automatically credited to the balance every day in the amount of 200 units;
  • extracted in modes against real players.

Both variations can be used to start PvE raids, but only fuel obtained as a reward for PvP battles can be sold on the market.

To farm the second type of fuel, you need to install one of the following modules on the vehicle (you can install several, as far as the cabin energy allows):

  • fuel barrel (5 units of fuel per match);
  • fuel tank (10 units of fuel per match).

It is important to note that fuel will be obtained only if the match is successfully completed without damaging these modules.

On average, fuel is traded on the market for 7-8 gold coins per 100 units.

Scrap Metal
Scrap Metal Crossout

Scrap metal is mined in PvP matches. The following rules apply:

  • weekly mining limit is not exceeded;
  • 20 to 30 units of scrap metal for a successful fight;
  • up to 5 units of scrap metal for a lost battle.

The average cost of a resource on the marketplace is 4-5 coins per 100 units.

Wires Crossout

Rules for mining wires in battles with real opponents:

  • Are mined in missions that open on:
    • 10th rank of the Mechanics faction;
    • machines with more than 4000 power points;
  • 10 to 15 wires for a successful battle;
  • up to 3 wires for a lost battle.

The price for wires on the trading platform reaches 10 coins per 100 pieces.

Copper Crossout

Copper falls out in any raids against bosses, so it is one of the optimal resources for farming coins.

  • from 25 to 100 units, depending on the difficulty and type of mission;
  • sold in sets of 100 and 1000 units;
  • average price on the market – 2-3 coins per 100 units.

Batteries Crossout

A rarer material is next, but with it comes an increase in the difficulty of mining it:

  • They are mined in missions that open at 10:
    • 5 rank of one of the following factions:
      • “Rabbids”;
      • “Wanderers;
      • “Scavengers;
    • a combat vehicle with a minimum of 5,000 power points;
  • 2 to 5 batteries per successful battle;
  • 1 battery for a failed mission.

On average, you can get up to 30 coins for 100 accumulators on the market. At the same time they can be sold in 10 pieces. However, it will be more profitable to use them in crafting than in direct sale.

Plastics Crossout

Plastic is mined in PvE missions at a medium difficulty level.

  • 10 to 20 units per battle;
  • sold in sets of 100 and 1000 units;
  • average price on the market – 30-40 coins per 100 units.

Uranium Ore
Uranium Ore Crossout

The following material is the rarest in the game, as only the strongest clans can get it for winning clan battles. It happens only once a week; about 1300 units of the resource are given out. They are distributed among 60 clans depending on their place at the top.

Uranium is used to create relic cannons, but it is also traded on the market. The average cost is 3 thousand coins for a set of 100 pieces.

Electronics Crossout

Like copper and plastic, electronics is mined in PvE tasks, but it is considered a more valuable resource in contrast to them, and the main advantage is that the weekly limit for it is not provided, everything is limited only by the amount of fuel on the balance to participate in the raid.

  • From 10 to 20 units per battle;
  • sold in sets of 10 and 100 units;
  • average market price is 50-60 coins per 100 units…..

In conclusion, this section is worth noting: to understand how to make money on the market in Crossout, it is important not only to understand the items for sale, but also to know the market prices, monitor their changes and choose the best moment to put the lot.

Crafting Crossout

All resources are initially designed not for sale on the market but for crafting weapons and additional modules for armored vehicles. More advanced players can use these mechanics to earn money, but it requires a deep analysis of the market and grammatical choice of crafting items. Otherwise, the created item may be cheaper than all its components separately and should be the reverse.

Farming Crossout Guide

Players receive cases for various achievements, quests, and special events. They contain random items that are added to the arsenal after opening them. But you don’t have to open the container yourself; you can also sell it on the market, earning coins.

Finally, the easiest way to get a lot of coins in the shortest time is to donate.

Also, for donations, you can increase the weekly limit of resource extraction by buying premium access and unique kits. Usually, they include ready-made car crafts, cosmetic items with bonuses for farming, and so on.

How to Quickly Earn Coins in Crossout
Crossout New Guide

Above, we figured out how to earn coins in Crossout. Next, let’s look at a detailed list of lifehacks and tips that will allow you to use these mechanics as effectively as possible. So you, in the shortest possible time, will develop the garage to a level where you can enjoy the game without thinking about further earning gold.

First Steps

After registration and the first login, try to spend 14 hours in the game to complete the challenge and get a blue mining container. Sell it to get your first gold and rent a workbench.

Market Analysis

Crossout Market Guide

Spend time analyzing prices on the trading floor to sell your mined resources as profitably as possible. The highest prices are observed on Wednesday when weekly limits have not yet been updated and there is a demand for materials. The next day, the trend changes: the limits are updated, and many offers at a reduced price appear on the market. The time and day of the week can also influence the rate.

Some players prefer to farm gold on resale. You need to know the market and prices very well at a particular time to do this. Buy goods cheaper at times of high supply and sell more expensive at times of high demand. It is essential to take into account the commission and possible risks.

Tips for Donating

Do not buy coins, as it is unprofitable. If you buy one of the initial sets for rubles, open it, and sell components on the market, you can get more gold than if you buy the same amount.

Do not believe the scammers who offer a price lower than the official rate on the project website. There are no ways to transfer coins between players in the game, besides the market. But on it, the buyer can make a transaction only at the lowest available price.

Commercial Crafting

Advanced players can try crafting for further sales. In this case:

  • Analyze all items you can craft.
  • Determine the production cost of the process.
  • Determine the approximate value of the item on the market.
  • Craft weapons and equipment, the profit from which will cover the costs and give a profit.
  • It is essential to consider the market’s fickleness and take prices for a bad scenario when calculating.

Mechanic Badges

The developers have introduced a separate resource – mechanic badges- to reward those who have fulfilled some tasks. They can be exchanged for prizes of your choice in a particular store.

Do not waste mechanic badges. Save up to 3000 pieces for the “Pathfinder Container.” It is an epic item at a reasonable price.

Metal Disassembly

Break unwanted items to get scrap metal. Its price tag exceeds the value of irrelevant and low-level items. But first, ensure the item is worth less than one coin.

Now you know how to make money Crossout. Using the tips presented in the article, you will quickly understand the game and in the future will compete even with experienced players, immersed in apocalyptic action before you.


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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