The Best Weapons in Crossout in 2025

Best Weapons In Crossout

The popular post-apocalyptic online action game Crossout is famous for its large selection of weapons, often lost by beginners and advanced fighters. Let’s consider the top weapons in Crossout, their characteristics, and recommendations for the choice.
Weapons Crossout

How to Choose the Best Weapon in Crossout in 2025

How to Choose the Best Weapon in Crossout

It can not be said that the best weapon in Crossout suits every player. Each type of weapon has disadvantages and different mechanics and is suitable for a particular combat style.

Developers regularly release updates that make changes to the balance of the game. The characteristics of some units change, making it either more or less relevant. This article looks at the best Crossout weapons in 2025.

You should not blindly buy the first position you see in the Crossout weapon shooting gallery list. Although the most effective guns are collected here, they differ from each other and can be effective in some hands and useless in others.

Therefore, it is recommended to start with your style of play and, before buying, study the Crossout weapons table, compare all the characteristics, watch reviews from advanced players, and make a final decision based on their strengths.

Presented weapons can not be installed on any machines. It is necessary to take into account several rules:

  • A certain amount of energy is required to install the gun.
  • The amount of available energy depends on the cabin used in the machine.
  • The weapon will only be installed on the hull if the cabin supports it.

To figure out which Crossout weapon is best, it is essential to navigate the rarity system. All guns in the game are divided by colors that characterize their quality:

  • rare (blue);
  • special (turquoise);
  • epic (purple);
  • legendary (brown);
  • relic (orange).

Weapons in the game are divided not only by rarity, but also by classes. They determine the type of ammunition and the mechanics of the weapon’s action.

It is recommended to start choosing a suitable class:

  • battering rams;
  • melee;
  • machine guns;
  • shotguns;
  • cannons;
  • autocannons;
  • unguided rocket launchers;
  • energy weapons;
  • drones and turrets;
  • guided rocket launchers;
  • grenade launchers;
  • auto-guided rocket launchers;
  • howitzer.

The Best Rare Weapons in Crossout

Rare weapons are the most common weapons in the game. There are two ways to get them: craft them from parts or knock them out of a container.


Borer is an excellent option for beginners who prefer close combat. It is installed on simple machines, as it does not require a lot of energy. However, it requires some skill because the opponent and the player receive damage when contacting opponents.

Porcupine Machine Guns

It is more effective to use Bur not in open clashes, but trying to bypass enemies and attack them from the side or behind.

Shows the maximum damage against:

  • drone carriers and turrets;
  • hovercrafts;
  • enemies with ranged weapons.

Vulnerable against:

  • machine guns;
  • shotguns;
  • vehicles equipped with detectors and enhanced vision devices.

AC43 Rapier
AC43 Rapier Crossout Guide

This is the best Crossout machine gun available to users still new to the game’s post-apocalyptic world. It can be made with parts, knocked out of containers, or bought on the market.

Many players prefer this option due to its excellent damage-to-rate-of-fire ratio.

AC43 Rapier Crossout

The AC43 Rapier is based on the German 2 cm FlaK 30 anti-aircraft rifle. While it is not difficult for beginners to get, it may have accuracy issues at long ranges. Therefore, it is recommended for marksmanship shooters or those who will use it at medium ranges.

The Best Special Weapons in Crossout

In terms of characteristics, the next class of rarity does not differ much from the previous one, and the difficulty of extraction for beginner players does not vary much. The game has more than 20 types of unique weapons, including the new Crossout weapons.


Mace is a weapon for close but not contact combat. It is essentially a powerful but undemanding shotgun. Regarding firepower, it is not much more potent than the Rapier but can be mounted on the hull in several copies because it wastes little cabin energy.

Mace Crossout Guide

The shotgun has a built-in perk that increases the damage for every 40 meters traveled up to four times. The rate increases by 40%, making Mace even more deadly.

It can be crafted or bought on the market. This type of weapon is recommended for every player to try, because later it is used in the crafting of 13 more effective guns.

Synthesis Crossout Guide

Another special weapon that is much more powerful than all the previous variants presented in the article. Synthesis is a plasma emitter firing beams of superheated substance. If the Boer, Bulava, and Rapira had some drawbacks, it is hard to identify them here.

Synthesis Crossout

Crafted by machines and sold on the market, Synthesis belonged to the rare class in previous game versions. Still, due to its high efficiency, it was moved to the particular class even though some characteristics were reduced in one of the updates. This again shows that Synthesis is one of the best guns in the game.

The Best Epic Weapons in Crossout

We move on to epic weapons, which are already more difficult to get, but this is compensated for by increased effectiveness and unique mechanics.

Elephant Crossout

The Elephant is a complete tank turret with a muzzle-loading turret that uses 76mm shells. It is believed to be based on the gun of an actual Soviet T-34-76 tank but modernized with modules of other tanks and guns.

The weapon lives up to its name: it has high combat power, mass, and durability. It is ideal for players with large vehicles who prefer eliminating opponents per shot.

Elephant Crossout Guide

The Elephant is considered one of the rarest weapons in the epic class. It cannot be handcrafted and is not always sold on the market or in kits.

It has a built-in perk that increases the resistance of the player’s vehicle to any kind of damage for several seconds after the shot – no matter if the projectile hits the target or not.

It is the final unit not used in the recipes of other cannons. After getting the Elephant in his arsenal, the player will not have to consider upgrading it for long.

Lancelot Crossout Guide

Lancelot is unique in many ways and has no real-life prototypes. It resembles the well-known RPG-7 anti-tank grenade launcher but has an entirely different principle of operation.

Lancelot is a spear with an exploding projectile instead of the usual tip. When it comes into contact with an enemy vehicle, it instantly explodes, causing damage.

Lancelot Crossout

It is characterized by minimal cab energy consumption so several Lancelots can be mounted on the machine on different sides. If one copy cannot inflict fatal damage, their large number becomes a real threat even to the most durable machines in the game.

That’s how it is usually used: they use almost all the energy, equipping the entire hull with such spears. The leftovers are used for the invisibility module for a surprise attack.

The main advantage of Lancelot with this strategy is colossal damage and spectacularity. But you can carry out such an attack only once after the weapon is useless until the next battle. Therefore, it is better to use it only in PVP.

Together with it is better to use a good engine and a light body, because the greater the speed of the device, the higher the damage. When reaching a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, it increases by 75%.

The Best Legendary Weapons in Crossout

Legendary weapons in the game are much rarer, and only experienced players, not the first month or even a year devoted to the game Crossout.

Annihilator Crossout

An annihilator is a flying drone released from a unique platform on the hull of the combat vehicle. According to the story, this device was initially used to deliver materials but was modified for combat and equipped with electric cannons.

A feature of the Annihilator that distinguishes it from other class representatives is the possibility of manual targeting. Usually, drones automatically select the nearest enemy as a target.

Annihilator Crossout Guide

When firing, it releases electric projectiles that cause damage, slow down enemies, and degrade their technical characteristics.

You can craft it yourself, but the legendary drone requires many difficult-to-obtain materials. Therefore, its price on the marketplace is also relatively high. The lack of adequate techniques against it compensates for this. The only option is to run away or go invisible until it changes its target or returns to the platform.

Kaiju Crossout Guide

The next piece of the legendary class fires pulse charges of low power, but the main advantage is its accuracy and speed with a good range of combat.

Kaiju Crossout

Fired charges can be either single or in succession. In the second case, the damage increases, but during this time, the accuracy and speed of the armored vehicle decreases. To accumulate charges, holding the firing button for several seconds is necessary.

Equipped with a built-in perk that increases the damage of the next shot in case the previous queue of charges hits one enemy without misses.

Requires many units of energy to mount, so it may be the only armament mounted on the hull of a combat vehicle. Kaiju is also characterized by a complex crafting recipe, available only to experienced players with donations. The prices of the weapons from hand-to-hand on the market confirm this.

The Best Relic Weapons in Crossout

In conclusion, consider the game’s rarest and most effective guns. Their cost can often amount to tens of thousands of rubles in actual money, hence their top indicators compared to other classes.

Scorpion Crossout

Most players consider this particular weapon the best weapon in Crossout. Scorpion is a pulse booster with high damage and shooting accuracy. It severely damages and pierces through the hull of any armored vehicle.

Scorpion Crossout Guide

You can craft it yourself, but it requires a unique component – uranium ore. It is farmed only in battles between clans at high ranks, so the average player can only purchase it. However, the price on the marketplace is not available to every user.

It can be combined with any sights in the game, but it is recommended to use “Neutrino”, highlighting the weak points in the hulls of opponents. Shooting at them, you can not only shoot through the enemy’s vehicle, but also make it detonate and explode into pieces if explosive elements are hit.

Porcupine Crossout Guide

The Porcupine is a relic-class minelayer, which is not much different from the Scorpion in terms of price or difficulty of crafting. However, in terms of action mechanics, there are other instances with various strategies and play styles.

Porcupine Crossout

It expends little energy so that it can be mounted on the hull of a machine in multiple instances. When moving, barrels with an explosive mixture fall out of the Porcupine. Upon contact with enemy vehicles, they explode and create a puddle of fire, causing significant damage to the area.

If used correctly, pilots with Porcupine destroy entire groups of enemies gathered in one place in a matter of seconds. But there is a disadvantage – on uneven terrain barrels can bounce and not hit the desired area, and roll further away or, conversely, back to the player.


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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