Special Operation “Black Shark” in Warface 2024

Spec-Ops Black Shark in Warface New Guide

Special operation “Black Shark” is designed for a team of five. You and your comrades must discover why Oberon sends impressive sums to the Balkans. We will also tell you how to deal with your enemies.

Gifts and Rewards

The special operation’s rewards depend on the difficulty level. These are Bucks, experience points, vendors, and crowns.

  • Easy:
    Black Shark Rewards
  • Normal:
    Warface Black Shark Rewards Guide
  • Pro:
    Warface Black Shark Rewards

Black Shark Special Operation Achievements

Black Shark Badges

You will earn unique achievements for completing the particular operation. They give you badges, tokens, and patches.

Black Shark Patches

Tasks and Missions

The main task of the squad is to set charges on the floors to blow up the building. Additionally, you will need to get information from the enemy’s internal network machines. The operation has three levels of difficulty: “Easy,” “Normal,” and “Pro.” The scenarios are the same, but the damage and number of enemies differ. The “Pro” level is for the most cohesive and experienced squads capable of coordinating their actions. Access to it requires a rank of 10 and mastering the previous difficulty.

General Tips for Completing a Special Operation

Black Shark Guide Rewards and Achivments

Use the tips for easy passing:

  1. Assemble a team of trusted people. Chemistry will be to your advantage.
  2. Coordinate actions with partners and quickly react to changes in the situation.
  3. Pay attention to the shelters: they will save your life in a difficult moment.
  4. Kill dangerous enemies like grenade launchers first.
  5. Do not neglect simple zombies: they will quickly overwhelm you with numbers.

We advise you to take a medic in your team, although a sniper will also come in handy.

Step-by-Step Guide of the Special Operation “Black Shark” in 2024

Consider the step-by-step passage of “Black Shark.” You can adapt the recommendations to any of the difficulty levels.

First Floor

Black Shark

Stop near the elevator and wait for the first wave of enemies. When you see their origin, head in the opposite direction. Look for a mountain of bags there, hide, and start shooting. There are grenade launchers on the first floor – kill them immediately.

After killing all the enemies go to the opposite side and repeat the actions, hiding behind the bags. Watch out for snipers and grenade launchers. Next, doctors will start to appear both in front and behind – distribute the tasks to the team for prompt destruction.

Second Floor

Black Shark Guide

Zombie enemies will appear. Choose one of the two options to pass through:

  1. Kill the waves of zombies while near the elevator. Part of the group should be on the left, the other – on the right, with their backs to it. There is a risk that the opponents will pile on top of you.
  2. Destroy the enemy by standing crosswise in front of the elevator. When the first wave is over, run to the left and turn around; zombies will come from there again. After this wave, the third wave will either come from the same edge or from above.

You need to react quickly to the appearance of the enemy, otherwise he will just crush you in numbers.

Third Floor

Black Shark New Guide

Go to the far right corner and press your back against it. Do this with the whole team. Kill all opponents from this position: there will be three waves. There should be no hiccups.

Fourth Floor

Black Shark Full Guide

Difficulties will begin. If you have three stormtroopers, a sniper, and a medic in your squad, send two stormtroopers behind the boxes on the right, further away from the elevator. The sniper and another stormtrooper can be on the left. The medic can position himself between the boxes. The sniper must take on the grenade launchers and other shooters on the sides.

Fifth Floor

Black Shark Updated Guide

Here, grenade launchers will appear on the balconies. You can split up so that the first part of the team destroys the grenade launchers on the right and the second – on the left. Or just stand in the center and shoot. Remember that kamikazes with barrels will appear from time to time. Kill them first.

Sixth Floor

Black Shark Updated Guide Warface

Stand in the middle of the hall and wait. See where the enemies will appear from, and hide behind the obstacles in the center so that you are in relative safety. Let the team kill the zombies, and let the sniper take care of the turrets. Then, run to the other side because enemies will appear from behind. When the zombies begin to come chaotically, you must navigate the situation.

Seventh Floor

Black Shark New Guide Warface

Run to the opposite side of the elevator, destroying enemies along the way. You must split up to cover both the right and left sides. On the second wave, zombies will run directly away from the elevator, and on the third wave, zombies will run from everywhere. Tsushniki and grenade launchers will appear on the buildings in the neighborhood. Let the sniper deal with them.

There will be a fourth wave. Run to the opposite side and repeat the actions of the previous stage.

Eighth Floor

Black Shark Full Guide Warface

In four waves, Blackwood soldiers and turrets will appear. On the balconies above, grenade launchers will start firing. Act in a measured manner, don’t panic, and use cover.

Ninth Floor

Black Shark Guide Warface

Immediately hide behind suitable nearby shelters. You won’t have to do anything special: kill enemies as they appear.


Warface Black Shark New Guide

When looking at the skyscraper, stand as a whole team to one side, preferably to the left. Kill zombies. Do not split the group into individual members; act together.

With proper coordination you will easily pass the “Black Shark”. The main thing – skillfully use the shelters and in time to kill the most dangerous opponents.


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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