The Best Mods for Grenade M26 in Warface in 2025

M26 Grenade Review and Best Mods

Modifications in Warface that increase weapons’ characteristics are installed on pistols, rifles, and shotguns, as well as any available additional equipment. The best mods for the M26 fragmentation grenade are relevant in 2025.

M26 Warface Review

Grenade M26 in Warface

Almost every shooter has grenades that allow you to inflict devastating damage on a group of enemies or fulfill specific tactical plans in the shortest possible time.

In Warface, the M26 fragmentation grenade is available to fighters of all classes from the beginning of the game; you do not need to buy or perform any actions to get it. With a competent throw, you can instantly destroy nearby enemies. It is also a valuable tool for “smoking out” the opponent from a protected place, the assault of which is too risky.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to throw the projectile after removing the check within three seconds, otherwise it will explode in your hand and cause damage to the owner.

Other characteristics of the basic primary grenade in Warface:

  • Damage – from 0 to 290 units depending on the distance between the explosion point and the enemy;
  • Detonation Delay – 3 seconds;
  • Blast Radius – from 3 to 8 meters;
  • Ammunition capacity – 1 grenade.

Advantages of the Grenade M26 in Warface

M26 Warface Guide

Before parsing the best mods, let’s look at the list of advantages of this weapon:

  • the ability to damage or even kill an enemy without facing him;
  • with the right approach, the damage is inflicted on several units at once;
  • can be used not only for direct damage but also for tactical techniques.

Disadvantages of the Grenade M26 in Warface

No weapon in Warface has only advantages without disadvantages. The M26 grenade is no exception:

  • the game has armor with blast protections that reduce damage from grenades;
  • usually, when fighters throw explosive projectiles at enemy passageways, the same grenades come from the other side;
  • grenades damage opponents, allies, and even yourself, so they must be used responsibly.

Best Mods for Grenade M26

M26 Warface Best Mods

Developers have provided two cells for the type of weapon in question and several variations of their filling. Only one popular build for the M26 fragmentation grenade is actively used at all skill levels, including top leagues.

  • Cell A:
    • +20% throw speed;
    • +1 garnet quantity;
    • damage marker display is enabled;
    • -20 units of damage;
  • Cell B:
    • +1 meter to the area of effect;
    • -15% throwing speed.

The idea is to use both grenades wisely. Ideally, allies should also use such a build. In this case, the enemy’s passageway is bombarded with multiple explosions. After that, they are guaranteed to stop to recover. Then, the mopping up of the remaining enemies’ dense assault on the entire team begins.

You can realize this strategy alone, but it is much more difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to focus exclusively on teamwork.


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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