All About Equipment in World of Tanks in 2024

Equipment in World of Tanks Best Guide

The characteristics of vehicles in WoT determine their advantages over opponents, increase the damage inflicted, and overall usefulness among allies. The main indicators depend on the correct choice of armament, which can be further enhanced by installing and upgrading various types of equipment.

All about the equipment in World of Tanks, including its possible varieties, types, ways of obtaining and features of adjustment will be considered below.

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Standard Equipment

Equipment Guide

The earliest access to standard equipment is unlocked, which is sold for regular silver coins and can drop as rewards for in-game events and achievements.

The slots for installing components are opened after the equipment reaches level II, and when it is upgraded, access to higher-class equipment is opened:

Armament Level Classes of accessories at
3 classes 2 classes
II ÷ IV 3 2
V ÷ VII 2 1
VIII ÷ X 1

When a vehicle reaches Tier IV, the first equipment slot gains specialization depending on the vehicle type, increasing bonuses of installed components if their category matches:

  • firepower;
  • survivability;
  • mobility;
  • reconnaissance.

Anti-Fragmentation Substrate

The specific classification of the anti-fragmentation lining is divided into 4 types designed for different vehicles depending on type, tier, and weight:

Variety of anti-fragmentation underbelly Cost, silver Tank TDs SPGs
light (LT) medium (MT) heavy (HT)
< 75 tons ≥ 75 tons
Light 50000 + on LT chassis

V-X levels

Medium 200000 + V-VII level on MT chassis

V-X levels

Heavy 500000 VIII-X levels on HT chassis of VIII-X levels < 75 tons
Ultra-heavy 750000 VIII-X level on chassis of HT chassis of VIII-X levels ≥ 75 tons

Effects of installing this lining:

  • increase of absorption from fragmentation ammunition and at ramming by 50 ÷ 60%;
  • increase of crew protection by 50 ÷ 60%;
  • reduction of stun duration by 10 ÷ 15%;
  • stun time is reduced by 20 ÷ 25% in case of repeated impact.

Combined Equipment

Equipment Guide World of Tanks

Certain components give a boost to the characteristics belonging to different parameter categories, in particular:

  • improved ventilation applies to all parameters;
  • improved turning mechanisms apply to related
  • specializations, increasing firepower and mobility.
Name Effect Factor Class Cost,

silver coins

Improved ventilation The abilities of all crew members are increased 1,05 ÷ 1,06 3 50000 33
2 200000
1 600000
Improved turning mechanisms Turret/gun rotation is accelerated 1,1 ÷ 1,125 2 200000 333
Hull’s turning speed is increased 1,1 ÷ 1,125
Shell dispersion on the march and during hull/tower rotation is reduced 0,9 ÷ 0,875 1 600000

Equipment for Firepower

The following accessories affect the increase in firepower:

Name Effect Factor Class Cost,

silver coins

Weapon Dispenser Reduces reloading time 0,9 ÷ 0,885 2 300000 Equipment
1 600000
Reinforced aiming drives Accelerated aiming 1,1 ÷ 1,115 3 50000 Equipment 1
2 200000
1 600000
Vertical Guidance Stabilizer Reduces the spread of projectiles on the march and during turns 0,8 2 200000 Equipment 2
1 600000
Improved sight Reduces the circle of reference 0,95 ÷ 0,93 3 50000 Equipment 3
2 200000
1 600000

Components for Survivability

Name Effect Factor Class Cost,

silver coins

Improved hardening Increased machine survivability 1,08 ÷ 1,1 3 40000 Equipment 4
Increase in chassis strength 1,5 ÷ 1,65 2 200000
Acceleration of undercarriage repair 1,15 ÷ 1,2
Increase in payload 1,1 1 600000
Reduction of hull damage transmitted by falling through the undercarriage 0,5 ÷ 0,35
Modified layout When the strength of modules is reduced to zero once per battle:

the explosion of ammunition is prevented;

fuel tanks are prevented from catching fire;

engines remain operational

+ 2 200000 Equipment 5
Repair is accelerated 1,25 ÷ 1,35
The durability of warheads, tanks, and engines is increased. 2 ÷ 2,5 1 600000
If modules are damaged, the penalty is reduced:

to the recharge rate;

to the engine speed.

0,5 ÷ 0,35
The probability of engine fire is reduced 0,5 ÷ 0,35

Spare Parts for Increased Mobility

Name Effect Factor Class Cost,

silver coins

Additional grousers Increasing the speed of turning with the hull 1,15 ÷ 1,2 3 50000 Equipment 6
Reduces speed loss when changing the type of surface 0,9 ÷ 0,85 1 500000
Turbocharger Increase in engine power 1,075 ÷ 1,1 3 50000 Equipment 7
Increase of maximum forward speed 4 ÷ 5 km/h 2 200000
Increase the maximum speed limit backwards 2 ÷ 3 km/h 1 600000

Equipment for Improved Reconnaissance

Name Effect Factor Class Cost,

silver coins

Stereotype Improved range of vision from standing vehicles (within 445 meters) 1,25 ÷ 1,27 3 50000 Equipment 8
2 200000
1 600000
Enlightened optics Increases range of view (maximum 445 meters) 1,1 ÷ 1,115 3 50000 Equipment 9
2 200000
1 600000
Improved radio equipment Prolongs display of detected enemy 1.5 ÷ 2 seconds 1 600000 Equipment 10
Reduces player’s visibility time after detection 1.5 ÷ 2 seconds
Commander’s visibility item Increases enemy visibility behind vegetation 1,15 ÷ 1,2 1 600000 Equipment 11
Increases enemy visibility on the march 1,1 ÷ 1,125
Cloaking net Increases the invisibility of stationary vehicles: Equipment 12
HT and SPGs 1,03 ÷ 1,04 3 50000
LT and MT 1,06 ÷ 1,08 2 200000
TDs 1,05 ÷ 1,06 1 600000
Low-noise exhaust system Increases the stealth of the vehicle: Equipment 13
HT and SPGs 1,03 ÷ 1,04 3 50000
LT and MT 1,06 ÷ 1,08 2 200000
TDs 1,05 ÷ 1,06 1 600000

Improved Equipment

In a separate boon store, you can purchase equipment that has similarities to standard components but is superior in effectiveness and does not gain enhancement when installed in a slot with a specialization:

  1. The Powder Gas Drainage System increases the performance of all crew members by 8.5%.
  2. The experimental loading system reduces charge change time by 13.5%.
  3. Installation of stabilization equipment reduces projectile dispersion by 27.5% on the march of the vehicle and when turning the gun turret.
  4. The use of wear-resistant aiming drives speeds up aiming by 13.5%.

Standard Equipment

  1. Justified optics extends the range of vision by 13.5%, but not more than 445 meters.
  2. Installation of an improved compressor allows:
  • increase the tank engine power by 12.5%;
  • increase the maximum speed by 6 and 4 km/h when moving forward and backward, respectively.

Standard Equipment WoT

The improved layout makes it possible to singlehandedly avoid ammunition explosion, fuel tank fire, or engine failure if the modules completely lose their strength, as well:

  • speeds up repairs by 40%;
  • 2.5 times the strength of the combat stowage, fuel tanks, and engine;
  • if modules are damaged, penalties to reload time and drive power are reduced by 70%;
  • reduces the chance of fire in the propulsion system by 70%.

The use of increased ordnance resistance makes it possible for 1005s of chassis strength to be restored after repair, as well:

  • increases vehicle survivability by 12.5%;
  • increases chassis strength by 75%, speeds up chassis recovery by 30%, and increases payload by 10%;
  • reduces by 75% the damage received by the hull through the chassis if the vehicle falls.

Standard Equipment WoT Guide

Trophy Equipment

In select in-game events, such as the Battle Pass, you can obtain special equipment components as unique trophies that do not receive a slot specialization bonus but have higher effects than standard or upgraded equipment.

Sight reduces the circle size at convergence from 5 to 8%. A dispenser speeds up reloading by 10 to 12.5%.
Firepower Rammer
Targeting actuators increase pointing speed by 10 to 12.5%. Optics extends the view from 10 to 12.5%, but not more than 445 meters.
Drive Optics
Stabilizer reduces spread by 20 – 25% when firing on the march or turret rotation. Ventilation increases the performance of all crew members from 5 to 7.5%.
Optics WoT Optics WoT Guide
Turning mechanisms allow:
  • increase firing accuracy by reducing by 10 – 15% the spread when moving or when turning the hull/tower;
  • speed up hull/tower turns by 10 – 15%.
  • increases engine power by 7.5 to 12%;
  • increases forward and reverse speed limits by 4 – 5 and 2 – 3 km/h, respectively.
Optics Guide WoT Bounty
Once-in-a-battle defense technologies avoid ammunition explosion, tank fire, or engine failure with a complete loss of the respective module’s strength, as well:
  • speed up repair by 25 – 40%;
  • increase by 2 – 2.5 times the strength of the ammunition, fuel tanks, and engine;
  • reduce by 50 – 70% the reduction of charging speed and engine power in case of their damage;
  • reduce the probability of engine fire by 50 – 70%.
The exhaust system increases the stealth of vehicles on the march and in a stationary state:
  • 1.06 ÷ 1.09 times for LT and MT;
  • for HT and SPGs – 1.03 ÷ 1.05 times;
  • for TDs – by a factor of 1.05 ÷ 1.07.
WoT Equipment WoT Equipment 1

Any trophy equipment can be set up once for silver coins, increasing its use’s effects.

Experimental Equipment

Exp Equipment WoT

Experimental accessories that combine the performance of two or more specifications are even more unique.

Types of Experimental Equipment

  • Mobility Enhancement System
Effect Level of adjustment Visualization
Increase in motor power 1,05 1,06 1,08 WoT Equipment 2
Acceleration of turret rotation/horizontal gun guidance 1,04 1,05 1,06
Increase in hull rotation speed 1,04 1,05 1,06
Reduced projectile dispersion on the march and during hull/tower turns 0,96 0,95 0,94
Increase in maximum forward speed +4 km/h +4 km/h +5 km/h
Increase in forward speed limit +2 km/h +3 km/h +3 km/h
  • Survival Enhancement Complex
Effect Level of adjustment Visualization
100% recovery of chassis strength after repair + + + WoT Equipment 3
Increase in total safety margin 1,06 1,07 1,09
Increase in strength of armor, engine, and fuel tanks 1,5 1,7 2,0
Increase in undercarriage strength 1,3 1,4 1,5
Accelerating undercarriage repair 1,1 1,15 1,2
Reduced penalty from damaged modules during recharging and to engine power 0,7 0,6 0,5
  • Fire control system
Effect Level of adjustment Visualization
Targeting acceleration 1,06 1,07 1,09 WoT Equipment 4
Reduction of projectile dispersion during movement and turns 0,93 0,91 0,89

How to Get Experimental Equipment in WoT

Experimental equipment can be a reward:

  • when completing combat missions;
  • for participation in game events.

Use of Experimental Equipment

The rule of equipping with components from 3 different specifications also applies to experimental samples, for which the main bonus is the one that is first on the list, i.e.:

  • mobility enhancement system belongs to the “Mobility” specification;
  • the Survivability Enhancement Complex is part of the “Survivability” block;
  • aiming acceleration is part of the “Firepower” specification.

Consequently, once one of the listed experimental components is mounted in any slot, using another component of the same specification in parallel is impossible.

Unlike standard equipment, experimental parts do not receive a bonus when mounted in a specialized slot, regardless of its level of adjustment.

Setting Up Experimental Equipment

To set up experimental parts, the following rules should be followed:

  • the list of indicators that are affected is unchanged, and no additional characteristics are added;
  • as the level of adjustment increases, the effect values may remain unchanged or increase but never decrease.

Components for Experimental Equipment

Exp Equipment

To set up experimental weapon parts in WoT, you must have components left over from disassembling similar equipment.

It is impossible to buy such components, but you can become their owner in some events as a limited-quantity reward for combat tasks.

How to Improve to Level 3

To upgrade experimental components to the highest level III, you need to spend 2400 special components:

  • 400 – when going from level I to II;
  • 2000 – to get level III.

Each upgrade requires a sequence of actions:

  1. Go to the Hangar and click the LKM above the equipment panel.
  2. Select the experimental equipment tab and click on the “Upgrade” icon for the specific level of the component.WoT Equipment 5
  3. On the screen that appears, click the Upgrade Confirm button. If enough components are available, the upgrade will be performed.WoT Equipment 6

Installing Equipment

To install any equipment, it is necessary to have an open slot for its installation, the number of which is determined by the level of technology:

Tech Level Number of slots
II 1
IV and above 3

Having open slots is necessary:

  • select one of them;
  • click on the hardware;
  • Confirm the installation of the component and whether there are enough funds to do so.

WoT Equipment 7

Installing equipment with similar effects on the same machine is not allowed.

Setting Up the Equipment

Equipment adjustment refers to the improvement of the effects, which is only available for two categories of components:

Equipment type Number of adjustments Cost
trophy 1 3000000 silver coins
experimental 2 from level I to level II – 400 components;

from II to III level – 2000 components.

The results from the equipment set-up are as follows:

Type of equipment Comparable to
before adjustment after adjustment
Trophy standard advanced (boom)

Level II

standard standard with slot bonus

Level III

standard with slot bonus advanced

Given the cost of setting up trophy equipment and the rarity of components for setting up experimental components, the question arises regarding the practicality of these operations, which do not significantly improve the equipment’s performance.

Disassembly of Equipment

Disassembly is provided only for one type of equipment – experimental and allows you to get unique components in quantity depending on the level of the disassembled component:

Level of disassembled component Number of components
I 100
II 400
III 1600

The number of components obtained during disassembly may vary as decided by the application developers.

Disassembly of Equipment in WoT in 2024

You can dismantle any equipment; only the cost and currency of the operation differ:

Equipment Type What is required for dismantling
OEM Gold/dismantling kit
Enhanced Coupons
Experimental Gold/disassembly kit/components

If there is no need for further use and insufficient funds for dismantling, equipment other than experimental equipment may be destroyed.

The sequence of operations for dismantling components is as follows:

  1. Go to the hangar and select the technique and the slot where the equipment to be dismantled is installed.
  2. Click on the “Dismantle” button (with a wrench).
  3. Select a dismantling kit or currency in the open window and confirm the action by clicking the “Dismantle” button.

WoT Equipment 8


I have been playing and learning video games professionally for over 15 years. Perfectly understand World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Warships, Crossout, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant and many other games.

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