Colored Text in Stalcraft — Guide 2025

Any player of Stalcraft has noticed that the “About Me” section in other players’ PDAs is often beautifully decorated with different colors. However, the game does not specify how to do this, and no button changes the color of the letters in the settings or the PDA. The function of changing colors is not obvious, and information about it can not be found anywhere but on the Internet. We tell you how to make a colored font in Stalcraft to beautifully and creatively design your profile.


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How to Make Colored Text

To write multicolored text in Stalcraft, you will need a paragraph sign – “§”. The sign is used in writing so rarely that many people do not even know about its existence. Of course, none of the keyboards does have this sign. To put a paragraph sign, you need to type Alt 21 on the keyboard or Alt 0167 with Num Lock on. But it is difficult and time-consuming, so it is much easier to copy the sign from another source, for example, from our material. Once again, we leave the icon for convenience: “§”.

When the paragraph icon is supplied, the appropriate shade remains to be chosen. The game allows you to write with sixteen colors to choose from. Each shade corresponds to a number from 0 to 9 or a letter of the Latin alphabet. To change the coloring, just put “§” with the corresponding number or letter at the beginning of the line. In this case, the paragraph sign and number will not be displayed, and the line color will change to the desired one. You can colorize any text that is entered in the PDA, i.e., quick purchase menu, personal store, and “About yourself” section.

List of color codes:

  • §0 – black
  • §1 – dark blue
  • §2 – dark green
  • §3 – turquoise
  • §4 – burgundy
  • §5 – dark purple
  • §6 – gold
  • §7 – gray (Lighter than standard)
  • §8 – dark gray
  • §9 – blue
  • §a – green
  • §b – marsh
  • §c – red
  • §d – purple
  • §e – yellow
  • §f – white

Why Do You Need Colored Text

People have a craving for self-expression, so many people want to stand out by creatively decorating their descriptions in the DA. Besides, the colored text in the description is a sure sign that an experienced player has thoroughly studied the game. Not only letters but also any symbols like dashes, equals, square brackets, and others can be colored. This allows you to create simple drawings using pseudo-graphics.



By decorating your profile with colorful text or pictures, you will not only make yourself happy with a beautiful picture but also demonstrate to other players your knowledge of game mechanics. With our guide, you will be able to change the color of the text in Stalcraft in just a couple of minutes.


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