Bullet’s Quest in Stalcraft 2025: How to Find and Use the PDA

This guide contains a detailed description of all stages of the Bullet’s quest in Stalcraft, which will help you complete the task without problems and understand the purpose of the PDA of this NPC.

This quest contains an unexpected plot twist, challenging fights, and valuable rewards, so read carefully.

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General Information

Bullet is a famous stalker who is famous for his hunting skills. His assignment involves finding and destroying a legendary mutant boar that terrorizes newcomers.

The quest is available to all players, regardless of faction. In addition to the reward in the form of weapons, you will receive a PDA Bullet – an item that will come in handy in the further passage of the game.


Starting the Quest

To start the quest chain, find Bullet sitting in a tent on Kordon #24. This place is easy to spot due to the characteristic survivalist entourage. Approach him and start a conversation.


Bullet will tell you a story about his quest to catch a mythical wild boar that hunts at night and poses a serious threat to others. His main goal is to get the animal’s head as a trophy. However, he is faced with a problem: the boar is hard to track down, so he needs outside help.

After the dialog, you will receive the first task, “Hunting: Information Search,” which requires you to collect additional information about the animal.


Visit to Tolyan

Head to the base “Photon-2 #17” and talk to Tolyan. This NPS will share a piece of short but important information. It will become clear that the boar:

  • Leads an active nocturnal lifestyle within the Cordon;
  • The main prey – small mutants;
  • Last seen near the Sour Volcano, which is near the Puli camp.


Bait Construction

When you return to Poole and share your new information with him, he will suggest that you lure the boar with a strong-smelling trap. You will need the appropriate ingredients to make the trap.

A task will appear:

  • Kill 5 blind dogs;
  • Collect 5 tails of weak dogs.

You can get tails by killing mutants in the forest area of Kordon. If you want to speed up the process, purchase them at the auction.

When you have all the components in hand, take them to Pula. He will start preparing the bait and schedule a meeting for you at midnight near the camp in the northeast to continue the hunt.


Night Hunting

When it is exactly midnight, you will automatically get a mark on the mini-map. When you arrive at the right place, you will find the wounded Bullet under a tree. He will tell you that the boar attacked him and then fled, and will give you the task of finishing what you started.


At this stage of the quest, players have difficulties due to the lack of precise instructions, so look at the screenshot. You need to find the passage to the gorge, which is located inside the purple circle on the map in the northern part.


After jumping in and reaching the end, you will be teleported to an underground location where a final fight with a mini-boss awaits you.

Battle with the Boar and Betrayal

A huge boar awaits you in the cave, whose strength and stamina exceed the indicators of ordinary mutant bots. Therefore, it is recommended to upgrade your ammunition in advance, bring a powerful shotgun/rifle, grenades and enough ammo. After successfully eliminating the boar, take its head.


Leaving the cave, you will suddenly encounter Bullet from around the corner. He will immediately try to shoot you to get the trophy. Defeat the traitor and take his PDA.


Completing the Quest

Make your way to the base and find the merchant. In the dialog, choose an option:

  • [I recently killed a legendary boar that terrified newcomers. Interested?]

The reward for completing the mission:

  • 20,000 rubles;
  • 2000 parts for repair;
  • MR-133 hunting shotgun.


Why do You Need the Bullet’s PDA

Inside the device, you will find a recording that reveals Bullet’s true intentions. His original plan was to set you up to get the boar’s head without too much effort.

In terms of applicability, Bullet’s PDA becomes an important part of the secondary quest, which is performed at an NPC in the Janov location. Without it, you won’t be able to advance in the storyline. As a result, you will get a unique costume that cannot be found or purchased in any other way.



This guide allows you to understand the structure of the Bullet quest better and pass it with maximum efficiency, as well as learn the purpose of the DA.


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