The Best Builds for Bullet Resistance Stalcraft – Guide 2025

In Stalcraft X, characters have many characteristics that significantly affect gameplay. A build is a certain combination of parameters that is useful in a particular situation. It is a number of artifacts with competently selected properties. Builds can be different, for example, for survivability, speed, and bullet resistance. Below, we will tell you how to increase the last characteristic without forgetting other indicators.

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Why Do You Need a Bullet Resistance Build in Stalcraft

Bullet resistance is one of the game’s most important characteristics. It is an additional HP that only works when taking damage from weapons. Stalcraft X is full of PvP content, and many NPCs also attack with firearms, so increasing bullet resistance will not be superfluous.


The bullet resistance build is useful for most single players. It will come in handy when collecting resources, arthunting, and will help to pass the story. In a team game, a character with high bullet resistance protects the others from enemies.

The basis of building bullet resistance – artifacts. Some of them increase this characteristic. The increase depends on the rarity of the item. An artifact can also be sharpened for bullet resistance, which will increase the characteristic even more. But doing this with regular items is not cost-effective, as it costs too many resources. Armor also increases bullet resistance.

How to Get Artifacts for Builds

Artifacts can be obtained in two ways. The first is the auction. This is a simple option: it only requires money. You just go to the auction, click on the artifact you need, and buy it. The cost of the item depends on its type and rarity, and a really good build will require a large stock of game currency.

The second method is farming. It takes time and effort, but it is very budget-friendly. In addition, arthunting is profitable.


You need to farm in the northern part of the Zone. To collect resources, you need combined or (less often) scientific armor, a backpack, and the simplest artifacts for weight (you can buy them). You will also need a detector (“Buryat” or “Elbrus”). In the best places for farming, you will have to gather a team: the competition is too high.

Artifacts appear at the anomalies immediately after the Vyborg. Anomalies of different types give different items.

What Containers and Backpacks to Craft

To carry assemblies, you need a container (or backpack). This is a container in which you can put several artifacts at once. All items in the container or backpack will have an effect.

The storage has a capacity – it is designed for different numbers of artifacts. The worst ones hold only one, the best ones – as many as 6 pieces.

Backpacks and containers can be obtained in different ways. Some are sold at the auction. Some more can be found in cases and crates. A few items are bought from NPC merchants. The best ones can be simply crafted. Containers from the last category are great for beginners. Best containers:

  • Hive;
  • Cocoon;
  • ZIVCAS ArticSafe-6;
  • Berloga-4;
  • Berloga-6;
  • KZS-5;

Bullet Resistance Builds in 4 slots

Consider different builds for bullet resistance and survivability for beginners. The best containers are both budget and capacious. Of the containers for 3 slots, it is worth considering only Cocoon; the rest are suitable only for exchange. Inexpensive containers for 4 cells – another matter. These include:

  • Berloga-4;
  • KZS-4;
  • Forager.

Let’s take a closer look at them.


A versatile container for the beginner. Weighs 5 kilograms. Protected by 60%, efficiency is equal to 70%. It can be crafted in the Bar. For Berloga-4 you will need:

  • 154 pieces of Scientific Equipment Remnants;
  • 230 Blue Yeast;
  • 73 Beta Data Fragments;
  • 90 pieces of Pickles;
  • KZS-3;
  • 44,410 rubles.

The container is compatible with all combat armor except armor:

  • “Bear”;
  • “Grenadier”;
  • “Samson;
  • “Mule”;
  • “Ace.”
  • “Centurion.

Compatible with all combined armor. It will not be possible to wear the container with KIM-99 Amber, KIM-105 Topaz, KIM-116 Emerald, KIM-102 Zircon, KIM-99M Malachite, KIM-122 Amethyst, Peresvet scientific armor.

The cheapest build for bullet resistance for Berloga-4:

  • Onion (Medusa) – 2,730 ₽;
  • Veiner – 6,630 ₽;
  • Shrimp (Goldfish) – 2 pieces for 7,800 ₽ each.


The total cost of the build is 24,960 ₽. All artifacts must be unusual, or you will receive psi damage.

Tsibulya and Zhilnik fall out of the anomaly “Trampoline”. There are a lot of them on any map now. Shrimp is farmed on the “Swamp”. Go to this anomaly is better in the daytime, at night it is simply not visible.


A weighty container for 7 kilograms. It has better characteristics than Berloga-4: 75% defense and 90% efficiency. Can be crafted in the Bar for:

  • 91 Radio Transmitter Remnants;
  • 242 Sprouts of Chernobyl Chamomile;
  • 40 Alpha Data Fragments;
  • 143 Pickles;
  • KZS-3;
  • 31,020 rubles.

Compatible with high rank is suitable for armor:

  • Reporter Armor;
  • Rising;
  • Riddler;
  • Legionnaire.

Incompatible with the following combined and scientific armor:

  • RAPS AO-4 Rider;
  • Aurora-B;
  • Bandit suit with cylinders;
  • KIM-99 Amber;
  • KIM-105 Topaz;
  • Magnet;
  • Reaper;
  • Peresvet.

The best bullet resistance build for KZS-4 is very similar to the previous one:

  • Transformer – 64,935 ₽;
  • Shrimp – 2 pieces at 7,800 ₽ each;
  • Veiner – 6,630 ₽.


The total cost of the assembly is 87,165 ₽. You can take the ordinary rare transformer: it is cheaper. The artifact falls from the anomaly “Discharge” (it appears near the power lines), but relatively rarely.


A container for those who do not care about artifact protection: it is only 60%. But the miner’s efficiency is a full 100%. It weighs 6.5 kilograms. It is quite expensive to assemble, and you will have to farm for a long time. You can exchange the container in the bar “100 X-ray” for:

  • 11 Anomalous batteries;
  • 17 Limboplasm;
  • 1,100 Bitterroot;
  • 251 Gamma Data Fragments;
  • 880 Limbs;
  • KZS-5;
  • 1,035,370 RRs.

Compatible with all armor in the game, except “Bear”.

Best build:

  • Veiner – 6,630 ₽;
  • Steel Hedgehog – 52,650 ₽;
  • Disintegrator – 19,890₽;
  • Scallop – 16,380 ₽.


Of the three artifact builds for bullet resistance of 4 artes, this one is the most expensive (costs 95,470 ₽), but gives the most of this characteristic.

Steel hedgehogs should be farmed on the anomaly “Fluff” (which refers to biochemicals). The Disintegrator appears near the “Discharge” and the Scallop near the “Kettle”.

Characteristics Berloga-4 KZS-4 Forager
Bullet resistance 26.80 21.00 29.90
Endurance 7.80%
Blast Defense 5.70
Resistance to psi radiation 20.80% 18.50%
Carrying weight 29.90 35.70 6.10
Reaction to electricity 2.60%
Rupture reaction 2.50%
Biological contamination – 1.60
Psi radiation 1.28 – 0.70 – 1.50
Radiation 0.45 0.17 – 1.69
Damage caused 126.80 121.00 129.90

Best Bilds for Bullet Resistance in 6 Slots

capacities for 6 cells – an advanced variant. They are not affordable for every beginner but enjoy excellent performance. Beginners are suitable for only two:

  • ZIVCAS ArticSafe-6;
  • Berloga-6.

The others require too much investment. Even for these two containers, the builds are not particularly budget-friendly.

ZIVCAS ArticSafe-6

Commerce sells a 7-kilogram container for 6 slots. You’ll need 1,500 coupons. This is the currency of the ZIVCAS Corporation seasonal event, which will end on May 31, 2025. The container’s effectiveness is 100% and internal defense is 75%. Compatible with all armor except for the Bear exoskeleton.

Fill this container with the following bullet resistance artifacts:

  • Prism – 2 pieces at 198,900 ₽ each;
  • Shard – 2 pieces for 46,800 ₽ each;
  • Viburnum branch – 117,000 ₽;
  • Atom – 234,000 ₽.


It will cost a total of 842,400 ₽. All artifacts must be at least unusual, and the Atom must be sharpened for psi radiation and biological contamination. Prism, Shard, and Atom appear from Stagnation and are conveniently farmed together. Kalina branch is a common artifact, it falls out of the anomalies “Kettle”, “Lighter”, and “Scorcher”.


Like the ZIVCAS ArticSafe-6, the container has 6 slots and weighs 7 kilograms. Otherwise, its performance is lower: only 60% shielding and 70% effectiveness. You can exchange it in the bar “100 X-Ray”. You will need:

  • 420 Quantum Batteries;
  • 1,950 Psi Beacon Remnants;
  • 1,630 Red Ferns;
  • 770 Gamma data fragments;
  • Berloga-4;
  • 1,774,680 rubles.

The container has the same compatibility as Berloga-4. Best build for bullet resistance for Berloga-6:

  • Steel Hedgehog – 3 pieces at 52,650 ₽ each;
  • Transformer – 2 pieces for 64,935 ₽ each;
  • Shard – 46,800 ₽.


The build costs from 334,620 ₽. Hedgehogs need to be unusual at the very least. Shard can be gained at Stagnation.

Characteristics ZIVCAS ArticSafe-6 Berloga-6
Bullet resistance 29.00 39.00
Carrying weight 15.60
Radiation resistance 27.72%
Biocontamination resistance 27.72%
Temperature resistance 27.72%
Resistance to Psi Radiation 27.72% 41.60%
Cold – 1.00
Liveability 5.30% 1.90%
Healing Effectiveness 31.20% 8.70%
Rupture response 7.50%
Blast Defense 16.20
Movement speed – 5.00%
Biological contamination 0.32 – 0.70
Psi radiation 1.28 1.48
Temperature – 1.92
Radiation 0.08
Damage caused 135.84 141.64


Berloga-4 is the most popular container among beginners, with it being the most budget-friendly build for bullet resistance in Stalcraft. “Forager” is much more versatile, but the complexity of crafting compensates for this. KZS-4 should not be seriously considered. If you don’t have a lot of time to farm, choose Berlog-4. If you want the most efficient container, you need ZIVCAS ArticSafe-6.

Beginners in their bulletproof builds in Stalcraft most often use the Shrimp. The Steel Hedgehog is more effective, but it gives you psi radiation, which you need to compensate for. It’s also harder to get. Prism is very expensive, so it is rarely used.

How effective a build will be depends on your investment. If you can farm or buy artifacts of good rarity and then sharpen them for bullet resistance, the result will be better. Don’t forget about armor: it also makes a difference.

What build do you usually use? Write your options in the comments.


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