Builds to Berloga-4 in Stalcraft – Guide 2025

In Stalcraft, there are many characteristics and high values that completely change the gameplay. Different situations and different play styles require different characteristics. Gamers solve the issue with builds – builds of artifacts for all occasions.

To carry several items with you, you need to have a container or backpack. With beginners the most popular among newcomers are the assemblies of artifacts in Stalcraft in the Berlog-4. This is an inexpensive container that is easy to acquire even in the early stages of the game. In this article, you will learn how to get Berlog-4 and what the best builds are for it.

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Berloga-4 Container


In Stalcraft, the Berloga-4 container is a Stalker rank container that is of the “roomy” type. It weighs 5 kilograms. The internal protection index is 60%, the efficiency is 70%, and the volume is 4 artifacts.

The armor is compatible with all scientific. Already on the combat armor, there are restrictions.

Combat armor with which the container is incompatible
Rank Veteran Rank Master
Suit Vanguard
Samson Granite
Grenadier Centurion
Bear Hector
Aborigine Raithar

Berlog-4 is not suitable for some science armor:

  • KIM-99 Amber;
  • KIM-102 Zircon;
  • KIM-99M Malachite;
  • KIM-116 Emerald;
  • KIM-105 Topaz;
  • KIM-122 Amethyst;
  • Peresvet.

The purpose of the container is to serve as a base for assembly. You insert artifacts inside, and the container protects a bit from their dangerous radiation.

How to Get Berloga-4?

The first way to get the Berloga-4 container in Stalcraft is to buy it at the auction. Right now, it costs 290000₽. The price is affordable, so if you don’t want to craft, buy it safely.

The second way is to exchange in the bar for some collectible items. You will need:

  • 154 Scientific Equipment Remnants;
  • 230 pieces of Blue Yeast;
  • 73 Beta Data Fragments;
  • 90 Rassolnikovs;

In addition, you need KZS-3. It needs to be crafted too (you can buy it). The exchange cost is 44410₽.

Best Builds for Berloga-4 in Stalcraft

Since Berloga-4 is a container for beginners, the builds should be both effective and cheap. They do not combine with all armor. For example, the build on the transferable weight can not be combined with armor, reducing speed: you do not have time to run away from enemies. In general, the builds will be useful to all players.

Here are all types of builds in the game:

  • on the transferable weight;
  • speed;
  • survivability;
  • healing effectiveness;
  • bullet resistance.

There are also hybrid builds. They increase many characteristics, but not much. It has almost no effect on gameplay.

Build for Carrying Weight

A good build for weight in Stalcraft on Berloga-4:

  • Prism – 198900₽;
  • Shrimp (Goldfish) – 7800₽;
  • Transformer – 64935₽;
  • Housing – 6630₽.


The total cost starts at 278265₽. Weiner falls out of the “Trampoline” anomaly. There are a lot of them everywhere now. Shrimp is obtained from the “Omut”. Go to this anomaly is better in the daytime, at night you will not see it. Prisma should be farmed at the “Stagnation”, for example, at the Forge-11. The transformer falls out of “Discharge”.


Prisma and Shrimp should be sharpened in their entirety, the Weiner should be used for weight and bullet resistance, and the Transformer should be used only for weight. As a nice bonus, the build gives good blast defense and restores stamina a bit.

Characteristics Value
Carrying Weight 42.27
Bullet resistance 50.91
Endurance recovery 4.91%
Blast Defense 22.52
Resistance to psi radiation 24.02%
Biological contamination -1.85
Psy radiation 0.17
Radiation 0.29
Damage Inflicted 150.91

Speed Build

The best budget build for speed in Stalcraft for Berlogic-4:

  • Comet (Flash) – 9360₽;
  • Whirlwind;
  • Bracelet – 56290₽;
  • Radiator – 64935₽.


In total, the build will cost 130585₽, not including the Vortex. Comet should be farmed on Discharge, and Radiator on Lighter, Kettle, and Scorcher. Bracelet drops from the very common “Trampoline”. Vortex is a special artifact, only it appears from thermal anomalies after storms. It has no starting price.


Sharpen the Vortex for movement speed and burn reaction, and the Radiator for speed only. Comet and Bracelet should be upgraded three times each. You will get a build with a lot of stamina and its recovery. You will be able to run fast and long. Reaction to burn and regeneration will add health.

Characteristics Value
Movement speed 12.18
Stamina 51.60%
Stamina recovery 9.96%
Health regeneration 4.28%
Temperature resistance 24.02%
Cold 0.47
Psi radiation 0.70
Temperature -1.69
Damage Inflicted 100.00

Build for Survivability (Fat)

A good build for fat in Stalcraft for Berlogic-4:

  • Sun – 58500₽;
  • Branch of Kalina (Mama’s Beads) – 117000₽;
  • Cursed Rose (Dark Jellyfish) – 15600₽;
  • Bubblegum (Bubble) – 58500₽.


The total cost is from 249600₽. Kalina branch and Sun fall from the anomalies “Scorcher”, “Kettle” and “Lighter”, it is convenient to farm them together. Gum can be found on the “Cold” and “Studn”. The cursed rose can be found on the “Trampoline”.


A build with a good amount of survivability and even more effective healing. Burn Reaction, Blast Defense, Bullet Resistance and Bleed Reduction increase survivability.

Characteristics Value
Survivability 6.28%
Treatment efficiency 25.12%
Bullet resistance 21.16
Burn Reaction 4.64%
Explosion Protection 11.88
Endurance 22.11%
Stamina Recovery 12.53%
Radiation Resistance 24.96%
Temperature 0.18
Radiation 0.41
Bleeding -1.50
Damage dealt 128.76

Build for Healing Effectiveness

Cheap build on the effectiveness of treatment in Stalcraft for Berlogic-4:

  • Kalina Branch (Mama’s Beads) – 117000₽;
  • Shard – 46800₽;
  • Gum (Bubble) – 58500₽;
  • Fruit (Bile Stone) – 3,510₽.


The total initial cost will be 225810₽. The Shard is formed on Stasis, and the Fruit is formed on Volchok.


The build gives good healing effectiveness, and it also boosts survivability and stamina regeneration. It’s a good option to start with.

Characteristics Value
Healing bonus 22.50%
Stamina 3.40%
Stamina recovery 4.30%
Radiation resistance 20.80%
Biocontamination resistance 13.90%
Biological contamination 0.30
Temperature -1.60
Radiation 0.002
Damage caused 103.40

Bullet Resistant Build

The cheapest bulletproof assembly for Berloga-4:

  • Onion (Medusa) – 2730₽;
  • Weiner – 6630₽;
  • Shrimp (Goldfish) – 2 pieces for 7800₽ each.


The total cost of the build is 24960₽. The Onion falls off the “Trampoline”.


All artifacts must be green; otherwise, you will get psi damage. As an alternative, you can sharpen the Vestal. Despite its cheapness, the build gives you a lot of bullet resistance, as well as stamina and carrying weight.

Characteristics Value
Bullet resistance 26.80
Endurance 7.80%
Carrying weight 29.90
Psy radiation 1.28
Radiation 0.45
Injected damage 126.80

Best Cheap Build

A good cheap build on the Berloga-4:

  • Proto-Onion (Protomedusa) for 19500₽;
  • 3 Spirals for 29250₽ each.


That works out to 107250₽ each

Spiral falls from Stagnation, Proto-Onion falls from Trampoline.


The build is suitable for the very beginning of the game. It has a little bit of everything: there is stamina recovery and a plus to carry weight.

Characteristics Value
Stamina Recovery 2.30%
Radiation Resistance 18.50%
Movement speed 4.80%
Carrying weight 21.00
Radiation 0.04
Damage Inflicted 100.00


The right build is the basis of the game. In order for all its advantages to unfold, it must be combined with your style and chosen armor. Builds for fat and bulletproof in Stalcraft for Berloga-4 are the most universal, and they should guide you.

What builds do you use? What artifact, in your opinion, is needed in each build? Share in the comments.


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